human - 45 minutes ago »
EEC mandated feature? My Sky + HD never had such a Narcoleptic behaviour!
What is the point of it and why does it come enabled, rather than a customer option?
Why wasn't this "feature" mentioned in reviews and descriptions by Humax?
And anyways - having disabled said feature the box went sleeping again!
It is undoubtedly an un admitted FAULT by Humax that needs to be corrected.
So if there is a problem, as you say then why wasn't it published before I gave all my money to Curry's?
It's like that Fiat 500 that simply couldn't go up a hill until Watchdog took the subject on, due to Fiat denying there was any fault! After that there was a recall!
That's because Sky managed to find a loophole in the EEC energy saving regulations, arguing that the box wasn't a pvr unless you effectively rented the software by a subscription (Ever wondered why your Sky box booted near instantly, it's because the box is never truly in sby, everything is on apart from the video output). Your Sky box has cost you around £20.00-£30.00 in additional energy costs every year you owned it, apart from the pay through the nose money to enable the thing to record in the first place . Sky have finally provided a low power sby mode, trouble is it cannot record from this mode, which makes it kind of useless
The way the Sky system works is it needs the lnb to be powered 24/7.
The cost to the environment of millions of Sky pvrs consuming more than 40 times as much as a box conforming to the regulations, is significant both in monetary terms and CO2 emissions. Before you argue I was a National Grid planning engineer for over 40yrs, and well aware of the cost to us all of supporting this totally unwarranted demand during the overnight period when few are actually using them.
Until the recent (apparently ill advised update), the box has performed reliably for years.
My box doesn't shut down after 3 hrs, it's been on for 11hrs today without being used without a reset. The nature of these bugs is very hard to find, no idea why mine isn't affected, but at least I am trying to find out why.
Incidentally I have a Foxsat-hdr since Nov 2008, lets say 6yrs. Had it been a Sky box it would have cost £10:00 every month to record free to air channels plus say an average of £25:00 in additional power every year. That means it's saved around £870.00 (less of course from the original purchase price). Seems a no brainer to me
| Sat 20 Jun 2015 19:49:13
#9 |