My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

HDR1000 Repeatedly Going Into Standby

(62 posts)
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    Joined: Jan '14
    Posts: 45


    In the email I received from Humax Support last month, they sent me a link to download the previous version of the software. I recently replied asking that if I did go back to that version, wouldn't it just automatically update to the latest one again. This morning I received a reply saying:

    "The faulty update has been removed and if you downgrade it will not load the faulty update again."

    At least they are now openly admitting the latest update was faulty, so I have just successfully reverted back to the previous version. If you follow the instructions carefully, it is very easy and you do not lose your recording schedule or other settings. I would recommend everyone reverts back to version 2.02.07 the link for which is here:

    | Tue 21 Jul 2015 10:57:45 #61 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    The software update was removed from OTA broadcast and IP download almost a Month ago as I reported here:

    | Tue 21 Jul 2015 11:45:08 #62 |

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