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How to solve "Not supported file format"/

(81 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    cerclebois - 2 minutes ago  » 
    Then won't I lose everything? As you say that would not be good.
    As to you post @ 15:56:23 both making short recording and pausing live content are OK.

    A factory reset will not delete your existing recordings. It will delete your recording schedule so make a note or photograph it first.

    | Mon 3 Apr 2017 18:05:56 #11 |
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    Have done the reset and re-entered future recordings, and checked all were listed properly. Returning to the list of previous recordings only a few are in list, about 4 or 5 wherever I look. Those I can access still end up with "not supported format".

    Advice on nest steps, please!

    | Mon 3 Apr 2017 20:01:42 #12 |
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    Had to watch Broadchurch live tonight, and when I tried "Pause" there was a message it was not available while downloading data. As the recordings list was now populated, I must assume that getting my recordings back was lengthy (very :?). Recordings made tonight appear to be fully accessible, but the others are still unavailable, "not supported format".

    Shame to have problems like this, as box is under 6 months old.

    | Mon 3 Apr 2017 22:36:50 #13 |
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    Might a manual update be a possible answer, or is a reformat the only way forward now? I bought machine from John Lewis, so am wondering if the failure is a warranty matter too>

    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 10:44:36 #14 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    cerclebois - 5 minutes ago  » 
    Might a manual update be a possible answer, or is a reformat the only way forward now? I bought machine from John Lewis, so am wondering if the failure is a warranty matter too>

    I would certainly ring John Lewis. You shouldn't have lost all your existing recordings. What software version is on the box ?

    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 10:51:55 #15 |
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    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 12:15:31 #16 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    cerclebois - 57 seconds ago  » 
    See attachment

    What attachment ?

    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 12:16:42 #17 |
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    Last one was refused, and now the upload has vanished.I'm not having a good time, am I?

    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 12:29:31 #18 |
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    Hopefully here it is


    1. IMG_1682a.gif (25.7 KB, 3 downloads) 7 years old
    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 12:33:57 #19 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    You have the latest software. Talk to John Lewis, they have excellent after sales service.

    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 12:41:23 #20 |

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