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Humax Aura : Whisper Quiet (?)

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    My Aura is also 2TB and IS whisper quiet especially when compared with my older Humax boxes, you will always have a certain amount of noise.

    | Tue 4 May 2021 6:47:18 #11 |
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    I have my 2tb Aura in the bedroom & in my opinion I find it not to be whisper quite. The hard drive constantly ticks away when recording & the fan like noise is always present when not in standby.

    | Tue 4 May 2021 14:14:21 #12 |
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    Are you saying your fan runs all the time?

    | Tue 4 May 2021 15:12:06 #13 |
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    Mine runs all the time, unless I press and hold the power button and the turn off (or similar) message comes on screen that seems to put it in a deeper standby, and then the noise is either not present or less noticeable.

    If I switch if off without doing that, it sounds like someone left a window open and you can hear the wind outside.

    | Tue 4 May 2021 19:02:38 #14 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Asus1964 - 5 hours ago  » 
    I have my 2tb Aura in the bedroom & in my opinion I find it not to be whisper quite. The hard drive constantly ticks away when recording & the fan like noise is always present when not in standby.

    Solution is simple. Set the aura to enter full low power sby from whatever time you go to bed till the time you are likely to use it next day. In low power sby ( less than O.5 W power). It is totally silent. If you set recording overnight it will wake up and may disturb you . No need to have one in a bedroom. There are loads of ways to watch on remote kit like tablets etc which do not have hard disks.

    | Tue 4 May 2021 20:05:08 #15 |
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    I consider my 2TB unit to be whisper quiet compared to other Humax models that I own, can't see how you can say it's not really.

    | Wed 5 May 2021 7:15:28 #16 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    phlppip - 1 hour ago  » 
    I consider my 2TB unit to be whisper quiet compared to other Humax models that I own, can't see how you can say it's not really.

    I think the issue with personal opinions on noise is that each person has a different hearing threshold. I remember being with a group of friends fifty years ago and one of them said he could hear the sound of air leaking from a tyre valve; none of the rest of us could hear it until we got very close to the offending wheel. My hearing has since deetiolated considerably so what I might consider as whisper quiet is a cacophony to someone with acute hearing. I suspect the Aura is quieter than other Humax units but anything with a fan and a rotating hard drive will inevitably make some noise. In just a few more years I expect to see the rotating drives replaced by SSD drives and fans no longer required and then we might have truly silent units.

    | Wed 5 May 2021 8:48:39 #17 |
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    Yes I agree, however a whisper is pretty much a subscribed volume, which the Aura fan does not come any where near.

    | Wed 5 May 2021 10:39:06 #18 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    phlppip - 4 hours ago  » 
    Yes I agree, however a whisper is pretty much a subscribed volume, which the Aura fan does not come any where near.

    What is a "Subscribed volume" please? If you are doing scientific measurements with appropriate measuring instrumentation then yes you can set levels and assign them a name such as "whisper quiet". the problem is that on this forum I suspect people aren't using any instrumentation beyond their own ears and each person will assign a different value to "whisper quiet".

    | Wed 5 May 2021 15:03:36 #19 |
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    I would have thought it was fairly obvious when the average person whispers to someone else and the words can be understood by the receiver with average hearing.

    In this line everything is done by the average to rule out extremes.

    You do seem to be very pedantic.

    | Thu 6 May 2021 6:51:56 #20 |

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