I have had HDR Fox T2 box for nearly two years now and it has performed fine until the last two weeks when it has suffered from a myriad of problems - namely:
1. Most (but not all)recordings fail with an error message "unable to track programme" - this seems to occur across a range of channels
2. One recording started ok but then failed 22minutes through an hour programme
3. When reviewing recorded programmes I press "menu" and then select "video" in the usual way and then get an on screen message "processing". Usually this disappears after a few seconds and I see my list of folders and recorded programmes but instead now ,on occasions, the "processing" message just remains on screen indefinitely and the box hangs.
4. Last night I selected subtitles but this failed to work ,after a couple more tries the box hung again.
Several times I have tried rebooting by switching on and off - this seems to clear some of the problems temporarily but they then recur. Have also done a full automatic station search.
My box is connected to my wifi via a dongle - but I rarely use this.
Any views on how I might clear this please?.