rogercarr - 46 minutes ago »
Graham - Assuming the epg data is held in a buffer, is this buffer repopulated in every box at the same time? If not, then dodgy data could arrive just at the “wrong” time, coinciding with another critical event causing the box to lock up. If this were the case, it wouldn’t happen to everyone at the same time.
Just another twopenny’th…
Not sure how the freetime epg works. But V1 Freesat epg is delivered in two ways.
1 In one data download from the freesat home transponder
Two in a round robin for all channels alongside the video/audio data on every channel in the epg (They also carry the Sky epg data). If you start from scratch on say a Foxsat-hdr and do not access the freesat home transponder, it takes about 20 minutes or so to populate the epg.
So at a guess if your box is on and not recording for longer than 20 minutes you will get all the current data. Mine is on for much longer than that (It's been on for about 5hrs without recording.
The freetime boxes are different though as they constantly scan for channel line up changes and updates are automatically made without any sign the change has been made. Hence the Freesat changes thread.
By sheer coincidence - Two new Freesat channels added today.
159 pick+1
160 challenge+1