My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Humax hdr1010s not responding to remote

(252 posts)
  • Question:- Connected to internet
    Yes : (22 votes)
    45 %
    No : (27 votes)
    55 %
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      junior member
      Joined: Nov '15
      Posts: 5


      Humax 1010S - recording not working

      I have this Humax the recording stopped working last night . 31 Oct 2015.
      I have updated the software and reset to the Factory default, still not working.

      Can anyone help please

      | Sun 1 Nov 2015 9:09:01 #251 |
    2. Barry


      senior admin
      Joined: Feb '11
      Posts: 11,051


      Welcome to our Forum Debbie

      Do you have any recordings stored on the HDD, and can you access them?

      Edit: As you have started another thread with more info see response.

      | Sun 1 Nov 2015 11:02:21 #252 |

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