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Humax hdr1010s not responding to remote

(252 posts)
  1. Barry


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    This is strange so many reporting the issue in a couple of Days.

    Question: Does it lock up immediately after booting or after being left on a channel for a while.. if latter which channel.

    | Sun 15 Feb 2015 10:24:30 #11 |
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    Doesn't do it right away for me. I don't even realise it's happened until I want to change channel.
    Pressing the power button will switch it off but switching it back on just gives a black screen.
    There doesn't seem to be any particular channel it does it on but it's mainly cbeebies on these days (channel 601)

    | Sun 15 Feb 2015 10:31:52 #12 |
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    Doesn't do it with me till tele has been on for a while. Any channel, or playback, has same fault. Only way to cure it, is to turn off at mains, then back on again.No warning it is happening till I press button to do something.
    I was going to take it back for exchange, but thought I would see if there was a 'fix' first.

    John p

    | Sun 15 Feb 2015 10:45:38 #13 |
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    Model - HDR 1000S/1010S
    Software - UKSFAA 2.02.07
    Update Date - 04/11/2014
    My remote is also playing up as of yesterday.
    As per Wendymac's post, l too have no internet connection so can it/does it load updates via the satellite dish,
    or does this have to be done via an internet connection?
    Barry, further back in the post you gave a link on how to re-program the remote control modes.
    Mine is set as mode 1 at the moment so what are the other 5?
    At the moment, the only way to solve it is to power it off and on!!!!

    | Sun 15 Feb 2015 10:56:52 #14 |
  5. Barry


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    You have the latest released software.

    Remote recoding - users can set 1 of 6 to avoid conflicting with another Humax freesat, youview, or T2 product, if you have one, in the same vicinity.

    | Sun 15 Feb 2015 11:05:31 #15 |
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    Same firmware for me too. I also don't have an internet connection to my box. WiFi connection has never been successful for me, always says the password is wrong.

    | Sun 15 Feb 2015 11:13:55 #16 |
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    Thanks Barry, now understand.
    In the last 2hrs, have had to power off and on no less an 5 times.
    This was watching BBC by the way.
    Looks like it's back to dreaded SKY as at least their boxes were
    more reliable!

    | Sun 15 Feb 2015 12:27:24 #17 |
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    Same issue with me for the last few days: Remote plays up by not responding to a channel change.
    Switching off and back on again (with either the remote or the box's standby button) just results in a black screen with no boot sequence.
    Only disconnecting then reconnecting the mains fixes the problem.
    I also have the latest released software and the box is not connected to the internet.

    | Sun 15 Feb 2015 12:34:54 #18 |
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    Same here. Started happening Friday night. Box would work normally for a 1-2 hours then freeze, can continue to watch the channel it's on, but unable to switch channels. Mute/volume etc continue to function. Doesn't seem to matter which channel you're watching, even happened this morning on radio channel. Switching off at main and on again cures it for a while. Surely this much be something Humax has done - and hopefully will come forward to say that at least they're working on a fix?1

    | Sun 15 Feb 2015 13:25:56 #19 |
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    Hi everyone,

    we are having this issue too. It's been happening for a few days now. The box is only 5 months old, and in a way its good to see that its happening to other people too, as we thought it was broken.

    Ours freezes on any channel. We mainly have Cbeebies on (601), but it also freezes when watching recorded programmes. Its never been connected to the internet, is it worth doing that now?

    I hope it can be sorted soon

    | Sun 15 Feb 2015 18:10:58 #20 |

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