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Humax PVR-9200

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    I have downloaded and and put them in the same folder and using a USB Cable from the front of the Humax 9200 to my PC to try to transfer some old recordings to the PC, but it don`t work! I have tried win 10 64bit win 7 64bit and 32bit and also Win xp SP3 32bit but the HumaxRW_Front-End software never show any files on my Humax, it always show a message something like have you connected the Humax bla, bla, bla, with xp I also get a beep sound when starting the HumaxRW_Front-End software, am I doing something wrong???

    | Sun 6 Sep 2020 8:39:26 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hussyboy - 2 mins ago  » 
    am I doing something wrong???

    Yes. To use Humaxrw you need to take the lid off the 9200T and connect the hard drive directly to the PC using an IDE to USB converter such as this one on ebay NB you need the external power supply; beware cheaper units that don't include the power supply.

    | Sun 6 Sep 2020 8:49:45 #2 |
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    Is there no way of using the USB to PC Cable and transfer files that way?

    | Sun 6 Sep 2020 8:53:12 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hussyboy - 7 hours ago  » 
    Is there no way of using the USB to PC Cable and transfer files that way?

    You could try Media eLinker on an XP machine see Pretty slow as I remember it and best to set the Humax to a channel that isn't broadcasting anything whilst doing the download.

    | Sun 6 Sep 2020 16:22:42 #4 |
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    thanks for the help, but I cant download Media eLinker from that link, it`s broken, can you or someone upload again?

    | Mon 7 Sep 2020 7:37:02 #5 |
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    These are the notes. The file contains a link to the software itself.

    | Mon 7 Sep 2020 9:59:39 #6 |
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    Hussyboy - 3 hours ago  » 
    thanks for the help, but I cant download Media eLinker from that link

    Media eLinker is very unreliable. You would be better attempting to use Bmax's 3rd party suggestion of Media Controller.
    You may find you need to use your Windows XP machine due to driver issues

    Compared to humaxrw using the 9200T's USB is very slow. The USB port only operates at USB 1.1 speed, and to obtain even that speed during download, you will need to either unplug the aerial, or switch to a low rate channel.

    | Mon 7 Sep 2020 11:57:48 #7 |
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    I am totaly lost here, what software do I need to make it work on my XP PC??? could someone link me directly to the software?

    | Tue 8 Sep 2020 7:44:51 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hussyboy - 1 hour ago  » 
    I am totaly lost here, what software do I need to make it work on my XP PC??? could someone link me directly to the software?

    Any of the options people have suggested would work. MediaController is probably the best option. The link in Luke's post is broken. I have a copy of a slightly older version of MediaController; send me a Private Message with your email address and I will send it to you.

    | Tue 8 Sep 2020 8:55:15 #9 |
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    Or... download from here

    | Tue 8 Sep 2020 9:48:11 #10 |

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