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Humax PVR-9200

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    bmax - 2 hours ago  » 
    Or... download from here

    It works in a DOS window but is there a windows xp GUI that makes it easier?

    | Tue 8 Sep 2020 12:40:13 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hussyboy - 1 hour ago  » 
    It works in a DOS window but is there a windows xp GUI that makes it easier?

    No. This is 15 year old software. I have found a copy of Humax Media eLinker if you want to try that although my recollection is that it was pretty dire. Your alternative is to go back to the starting point of this discussion and buy the IDE to USB adapter so that you can use humaxrw with its front end.

    | Tue 8 Sep 2020 13:55:23 #12 |
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    Martin Liddle - 18 mins ago  » 

    Hussyboy - 1 hour ago  » 
    It works in a DOS window but is there a windows xp GUI that makes it easier?

    No. This is 15 year old software. I have found a copy of Humax Media eLinker if you want to try that although my recollection is that it was pretty dire. Your alternative is to go back to the starting point of this discussion and buy the IDE to USB adapter so that you can use humaxrw with its front end.

    Yes thanks, I would like to try Humax Media eLinker do you have a link to download it?, as the first link was broken

    | Tue 8 Sep 2020 14:15:55 #13 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hussyboy - 32 mins ago  » 
    Yes thanks, I would like to try Humax Media eLinker do you have a link to download it?, as the first link was broken

    Send me a Private Message (top right of forum page, 3rd option down) with your email address and I will send it to you.

    | Tue 8 Sep 2020 14:49:45 #14 |
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    Tried the Humax Media eLinker in win XP and the window opens, but I cant connect or see the humax harddrive, it just says something like no connection restart your reciver, do I have to install some other driver also for it to work???

    | Thu 10 Sep 2020 10:38:05 #15 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hussyboy - 1 hour ago  » 
    Tried the Humax Media eLinker in win XP and the window opens, but I cant connect or see the humax harddrive, it just says something like no connection restart your reciver, do I have to install some other driver also for it to work???

    To long ago for me to remember with any certainty but I don't think so unless your XP is 64 bit.

    | Thu 10 Sep 2020 12:00:37 #16 |
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    Hussyboy - 3 hours ago  » 
    Tried the Humax Media eLinker in win XP and the window opens, but I cant connect or see the humax harddrive, it just says something like no connection restart your reciver,

    Did you follow the suggestion it offered?

    Hussyboy - 3 hours ago  » 
    do I have to install some other driver also for it to work???

    I think that most people who reported online were using version 2.1 and its accompanying driver without an driver issues on 32bit XP machines.
    For those that did have some difficulty there was conjecture that some USB chipsets on PCs tended to have more driver issues than some others.

    I initially used to use Media eLinker version 2.4 on a 32bit XP. The driver which comes with version 2.4 is the same as the driver that comes with 2.1.
    Later I switched to version 2.7 but was under the impression that I continued to use the driver from version 2.1/2.4.

    Have you also rebooted the XP since installing?

    | Thu 10 Sep 2020 15:36:08 #17 |
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    Luke - 17 hours ago  » 

    Hussyboy - 3 hours ago  » 
    Tried the Humax Media eLinker in win XP and the window opens, but I cant connect or see the humax harddrive, it just says something like no connection restart your reciver,

    Did you follow the suggestion it offered?

    Hussyboy - 3 hours ago  » 
    do I have to install some other driver also for it to work???

    I think that most people who reported online were using version 2.1 and its accompanying driver without an driver issues on 32bit XP machines.
    For those that did have some difficulty there was conjecture that some USB chipsets on PCs tended to have more driver issues than some others.
    I initially used to use Media eLinker version 2.4 on a 32bit XP. The driver which comes with version 2.4 is the same as the driver that comes with 2.1.
    Later I switched to version 2.7 but was under the impression that I continued to use the driver from version 2.1/2.4.
    Have you also rebooted the XP since installing?

    Yes I tried reboot win xp 64bit, it simply dont work with any OP system

    | Fri 11 Sep 2020 9:25:04 #18 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hussyboy - 28 mins ago  » 
    Yes I tried reboot win xp 64bit, it simply dont work with any OP system

    Perhaps you are beginning to understand why the most common suggestion here is to use humaxrw which does work on modern versions of Windows and also with Linux.

    | Fri 11 Sep 2020 9:57:08 #19 |
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    If a remove the Humax harddrive is it possible to connect the Humax harddrive directly to the IDE Cable of a PC that runs windows 10? or do I need to have a IDE to USB Cable?

    | Fri 11 Sep 2020 15:51:45 #20 |

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