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Humax PVR-9200

(28 posts)
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hussyboy - 11 mins ago  » 
    If a remove the Humax harddrive is it possible to connect the Humax harddrive directly to the IDE Cable of a PC that runs windows 10?

    You can connect direct to an IDE capable PC; you will also need to connect the power to the drive.

    | Fri 11 Sep 2020 16:04:31 #21 |
  2. aldaweb


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    Martin Liddle - 1 hour ago  » 

    Hussyboy - 11 mins ago  » 
    If a remove the Humax harddrive is it possible to connect the Humax harddrive directly to the IDE Cable of a PC that runs windows 10?

    You can connect direct to an IDE capable PC; you will also need to connect the power to the drive.

    Remember DO NOT let Windows initialise the drive.

    | Fri 11 Sep 2020 17:30:55 #22 |
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    But do I have to use DOS window? or does it work with a windows GUI ?

    | Sat 12 Sep 2020 9:24:12 #23 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hussyboy - 1 hour ago  » 
    But do I have to use DOS window? or does it work with a windows GUI ?

    You said in your first post that you had downloaded humaxrw and the humaxrw front end. The instructions for HumaxrwfrontEnd are:

    "Windows only, .net framework 3.5 required and you need HumaxRW.exe (not provided) to be in the same folder as the Front-End. Some features:
    - Auto detect humax disk drive
    - Easy selection of files - can even be based on keyword (e.g. 'Peppa Pig')
    - Download to any folder on your PC
    - Option to keep only the .ts files (deleting the other 3 files created for each .ts file) [note, this option deletes all the .epg, etc files in the download location, it's not selective]
    - Upload .ts files to the humax disk drive (have ts2hrw.exe in the same folder as the Front-End if you have no hre file for the .ts file)
    - No knowledge of DoS required to use it

    As this Front-End simply controls HumaxRW, all the same warnings apply when using this as they do when using HumaxRW normally. In addition, I accept no responsibility for any undesirable outcomes of using this Front-End software - i.e. use at your own risk.

    One other thing is that the Front-End waits for HumaxRW to finish whatever it's doing before continuing, so when downloading, uploading, etc it may say "Not Responding" but this is normal and the Front-End will recover when HumaxRW finishes it's current operation."

    So basically if everything is working you interact via a graphical user interface.

    | Sat 12 Sep 2020 11:17:40 #24 |
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    But does it work in Windows 10 64bit v2004 ?

    | Sat 12 Sep 2020 13:08:48 #25 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hussyboy - 11 mins ago  » 
    But does it work in Windows 10 64bit v2004 ?

    I don't know for sure but I think it should; why not try it? Unlike things like Media Controller it doesn't require a USB driver.

    | Sat 12 Sep 2020 13:20:49 #26 |
  7. Biggles


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    Hussyboy - 9 hours ago  » 
    But does it work in Windows 10 64bit v2004 ?

    HumaxRW does work in Windows 10 64 bit whatever Windows was 4 months ago. It does not work in Linux Mint 17, 18, or 19 64 bit.... normally!!! It does work in a Linux Mint 32 bit live session and also a 32 bit full installation. I said it doesn't work in Linux Mint 64 bit. The first time I tried it on my Mint 64 bit it didn't work, however when I tried it quite a while later (weeks or more) it did work. My 32 bit trials were done on a different computer so did not influence my main computer. I can only assume my 64 bit Mint acquired 32 bit compatibility somehow, maybe some program installation but the only thing I can remember installing around that time was DosBox. Subsequent trials of a 64 bit Mint 19 installation still did not work even after installing DosBox so I've no idea why my main 64 bit computer now runs HumaxRW.

    | Sat 12 Sep 2020 22:49:26 #27 |
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    Yes thanks, IDE to IDE inside PC works fine and fast, but I have another problem... but I dont think this is possible? but do any of you know if you can decode a coded TV show without having a valid card?

    I explain

    I have a show recorded from swedish TV3 in standard definition (PAL) from 2011, but now the cable TV provider have replaced the TV3 standard definition channel with TV3 HD only (no more TV3 SD exist) and that TV3 show is recorded without a card inside the Humax

    I know it`s possible to press play on the recorded show and then press rec, then I get an decoded copy of the show,

    But without a valid card i cant even watch or make a copy

    So my question again, is there ANY way of DECODE a coded channel without having a valid card either inside the Humax box or after I transfered the TV3 show to the PC???

    | Sun 27 Sep 2020 9:02:33 #28 |

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