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Humax streaming / catch up services blocked by VPN

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  1. gomezz


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    Just wondering if you could insert a VPN free router upstream of the Draytek to feed the Humax box and the Draytek router separately?

    | Thu 16 Jan 2020 9:29:30 #21 |
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    I know that getting around the BBC block on VPNs (for access to iPlayer) is not an easy task. My son is in Germany and has a degree in IT & Physics and a Masters in Computing & Networks and could not solve it so resorted to a subscription to a UK DNS. I would think that for a UK resident the suggestion of...

    gomezz - 5 hours ago <a
    href=""> » 
    ...insert a VPN free router upstream of the Draytek to feed the Humax box and the Draytek router separately?

    ...might be a solution.

    | Thu 16 Jan 2020 15:22:25 #22 |
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    But I have not figured how to do that. I'll post a list of the IP addresses used when I have a moment.

    Screen shots attached for those interested. One shows the ip addresses, the other with name resolution. This is not the complete list as too many for one screen. EDIT Can't get the screenshots to upload properly. Will try later. Too big I think. Smaller ones added - maybe too small now!


    1. Screenshot_2020-01-17_at_08.40.28.png (40.3 KB, 5 downloads) 5 years old
    2. Screenshot_2020-01-17_at_08.39.54.png (57.8 KB, 4 downloads) 5 years old
    | Fri 17 Jan 2020 8:43:19 #23 |
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    gomezz - 1 day ago  » 
    Just wondering if you could insert a VPN free router upstream of the Draytek to feed the Humax box and the Draytek router separately?

    That's exactly what I'm trying to achieve - the Humax device / IP to bypass the VPN and just access the net via the WAN. Neither Nord nor Draytek seem to be able to set up the router so that this can occur...

    | Fri 17 Jan 2020 23:27:29 #24 |
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    Pollensa1946 - 1 day ago  » 
    I know that getting around the BBC block on VPNs (for access to iPlayer) is not an easy task. My son is in Germany and has a degree in IT & Physics and a Masters in Computing & Networks and could not solve it so resorted to a subscription to a UK DNS. I would think that for a UK resident the suggestion of...

    gomezz - 5 hours ago <a
    href=""> » 
    ...insert a VPN free router upstream of the Draytek to feed the Humax box and the Draytek router separately?

    ...might be a solution.

    Already done - and already tried using every single UK-based NordVPN server to connect to - LAN to LAN. None of them solved the problem.

    I can only make it work by deactivating the VPN completely.

    | Fri 17 Jan 2020 23:29:22 #25 |
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    GrahamRHK - 14 hours ago  » 

    But I have not figured how to do that. I'll post a list of the IP addresses used when I have a moment.

    Screen shots attached for those interested. One shows the ip addresses, the other with name resolution. This is not the complete list as too many for one screen. EDIT Can't get the screenshots to upload properly. Will try later. Too big I think. Smaller ones added - maybe too small now!

    Hello Graham

    Thank you for posting these two images.

    Which of the name resolved URL's is the URL that the Humax uses for the catch-up apps? There's a reasonably long list there!

    Many thanks

    | Fri 17 Jan 2020 23:31:40 #26 |
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    GrahamRHK - 1 day ago  » 

    Google... what is humax tv portal ...and the answers suggest that iPlayer is indeed reached via a Humax portal. I wonder if someone with the older Foxsat box and the custom firmware might be able to determine what the IP address is.

    I fear that it is more complicated than that. The FVP5000T does not appear to use the portal for watching catch up services (unlike the HD FOX T2 for example. I have many (lots!) of wireshark traces (trying to recreate and solve the DNS setting issue) and it appears that many different servers are connected over time. The only way round the VPN problem would be to give your FVP a fixed IP address and get the router set to bypass the VPN for all traffic from that address. But I have not figured how to do that. I'll post a list of the IP addresses used when I have a moment.

    Thanks Graham - that was my conclusion too.

    Sadly, Draytek haven't been able to sort that out yet - but I'm on them!

    | Fri 17 Jan 2020 23:56:28 #27 |
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    Which of the name resolved URL's is the URL that the Humax uses for the catch-up apps?

    If you look at the screenshots side by side you will see 3 BBC addresses near the bottom of the list just above the DNS server addresses. Whether others are used I don't know. These lists come from wireshark statistical analysis of all endpoints when the FVP is running and filtering only FVP traffic (mine is at I am not sure whether I had iPlayer running at the time. I would need to run a very specific experiment to test that. Which I could try soon when I have the opportunity.

    | Sat 18 Jan 2020 8:42:12 #28 |
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    rjsdavis - 11 hours ago  » ...I can only make it work by deactivating the VPN completely.

    That's essentially what I was saying. My son gave up on the VPN. He configured his router to connect to a UK DNS provider. You of course don't need that, simply to circumvent your VPN.

    | Sat 18 Jan 2020 11:01:25 #29 |
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    I know that it may involve a bit of hassle (moving the TV and Humax temporarily to test) but have you tried connecting the Humax directly to the router (bypassing the repeater) and then trying with the VPN active?

    | Sat 18 Jan 2020 11:41:19 #30 |

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