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humaxrw linux trying to read 9150T disk

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    Martin Liddle

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    To get the old drive working again, try deleting the cached epg using

    humaxrw 1: -Z

    | Sat 6 Jul 2019 17:29:46 #41 |
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    I deleted the epg cache in the old drive and then ran all the repair options from humaxcheck. Returned the old drive to the humax, switched every thing on. Old drive started up and everything was as before the start of this tale i.e. everything was working; TV worked, channels there, recordings there (although I didn't check any). Switched everything off and back on and it was back to the beginning of this tale. The humax hard drive would spin up, you could hear the head seeking a track but then the unit would switch into standby mode and no amount of switching OFF and ON would get it out of standby mode.

    Swapped old drive for new drive and it now behaves the same. HDD runs, sound of head seeking track but the unit switches to standby mode after a few seconds. If I connect the new drive to my PC and do a humaxrw 1: -l I now get only 51 files/recordings instead of 70.

    I think some of the files from the old drive are corrupted - wrong EOF markers, possibly - and when I copy them over to the new drive, the corruption carries over and that affects the FAT.

    Because the Humax won't switch out of standby mode I can't reformat it when mounted in the Humax.

    BTW when I installed the drives in the Humax I didn't bolt them in, I just laid them in the enclosure. I also used an anti-static wrist strap.




    | Sun 7 Jul 2019 15:33:49 #42 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    paul.mac - 1 hour ago  » 
    I deleted the epg cache in the old drive and then ran all the repair options from humaxcheck. Returned the old drive to the humax, switched every thing on. Old drive started up and everything was as before the start of this tale i.e. everything was working; TV worked, channels there, recordings there (although I didn't check any). Switched everything off and back on and it was back to the beginning of this tale. The humax hard drive would spin up, you could hear the head seeking a track but then the unit would switch into standby mode and no amount of switching OFF and ON would get it out of standby mode.

    Oh dear. I am not sure using humax check to correct the errors was a great idea but I can understand why you did it.

    Because the Humax won't switch out of standby mode I can't reformat it when mounted in the Humax.

    Try formatting the new drive in Windows or use a disk wipe utility and see if the Humax will then offer to format the drive on startup.

    BTW when I installed the drives in the Humax I didn't bolt them in, I just laid them in the enclosure. I also used an anti-static wrist strap.

    I think we would all do that; you just need to very careful not to touch the power supply; several people have given themselves a shock and destroyed the power supply by becoming casual about safety.

    | Sun 7 Jul 2019 17:15:41 #43 |
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    I wiped the old HDD and returned it to the Humax but nothing would work. When switching the Humax on the HDD would spin up for a few seconds but then switch back to standby. Then I discovered that by pressing and holding the menu button under the little flap and then pressing the standby key and keeping them pressed the unit would not go back into standby but I was presented with an option to format the HDD, which I did. Back in business! The Humax works, will record programmes and play them back. But, if I switch to standby mode I have to press and hold the menu button and then press the standby key and keep them pressed until the programme info tab appears at the bottom of the screen to get the Humax out of standby mode and operational. The same applies to the new 360GB HDD. With one short recording on the old/original 160GB HDD I copied a programme file from my win 10 PC to the drive. Again the .hre file didn't copy across but I noticed that the programme file name now has TS2HRW appended to it. I tried copying across just the .hre file but to no avail. It copied across the 3 programme files but not the .hre file so I now had a duplicate entry, which I deleted. I returned the old HDD to the Humax, successfully booted it up using the above mentioned sequence of key presses but when I look at the list of recorded programmes it is empty. Both the recorded programme and the copied back programme are not there.

    How do I get the .hre files onto the HDD?



    | Mon 8 Jul 2019 10:59:46 #44 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    paul.mac - 3 hours ago  » 
    Then I discovered that by pressing and holding the menu button under the little flap and then pressing the standby key and keeping them pressed the unit would not go back into standby but I was presented with an option to format the HDD, which I did.

    Very odd; no idea what is going on. I take it the remote batteries are OK?

    How do I get the .hre files onto the HDD?

    I simply don't know. There have been several reports of people being unable to restore programmes to a 9150T/9300T but these have been balanced by a few success reports; I have never owned either box but it did work for me on a 9200T. Does anybody else have any ideas? I haven't heard anything from xyz321 who is the most likely to know.

    | Mon 8 Jul 2019 14:25:23 #45 |
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    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for your help.

    Yes, the remote is working fine, I choose to use the buttons under the small flap because being hardwired I felt certain that they would do sometime if pressed continuously; couldn't be sure that would happen with the remote - no logic behind that statement, just a gut feeling.

    I've put the old drive back in the Humax and am currently using that. The files I want to keep are on my PC and the newer drive I purchased, so at least I haven't totally lost them.

    Can I convert them to another format so I can transfer them to DVD for example?



    | Mon 8 Jul 2019 15:27:19 #46 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    paul.mac - 13 mins ago  » 
    Can I convert them to another format so I can transfer them to DVD for example?

    Yes, but not something where I have any expertise. Perhaps start a new thread about the conversion.

    | Mon 8 Jul 2019 15:41:35 #47 |
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    Sorry, only just discovered this thread.

    I don't know why you would end up with lots of cross linked files but I can clear up why you do not see the hre files on the Humax disk. They are used to build the _RECORD_LIST_ file on partition 1. The entries in this file appear as the recording list on-screen. The hre files will be copied across (i.e. appended to the existing _RECORD_LIST_ file) as part of the humaxrw copying procedure.

    When you create new hre files using ts2hrw the full information is not available so you may see TS2HRW as its channel name.

    | Fri 20 Dec 2019 14:50:06 #48 |

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