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ITVX supported

(34 posts)
  1. Mars


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    A Freeview version of the ITVX app is now available on Google Play:
    At the moment, opening the ITVX app leads to the ITV hub.

    | Thu 8 Dec 2022 13:44:20 #21 |
  2. Barry


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    Aura will support itvx (when it replaces itv hub) as confirmed by Humax Towers.

    | Thu 8 Dec 2022 15:09:31 #22 |
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    Cheers Barry, as ever much appreciated info.

    | Thu 8 Dec 2022 16:21:57 #23 |
  4. Mars


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    ITVX app now working on the Aura!

    | Thu 8 Dec 2022 16:27:51 #24 |
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    Mine is not working, same message as before.
    Uninstalled the App, came out and went in Google Play and Re-installed it. Still doesn't work, same message.
    I still get ITV Hub, should I Uninstalled ITV X and wait out?

    | Thu 8 Dec 2022 17:40:29 #25 |
  6. Barry


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    Info from from Humax Towers:

    ITVX is live today and can be accessed by clicking the ITV Hub app from either the Android TV or Freeview Play Home Screen.

    No update is needed but we recommend switching the box off and back on just to make sure the changes have been applied.

    The ITV Hub logo will update to the new ITVX logo automatically at a later stage.

    | Thu 8 Dec 2022 17:43:21 #26 |
  7. Mars


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    MRAE1795 - 5 mins ago  » 
    Mine is not working, same message as before.
    Uninstalled the App, came out and went in Google Play and Re-installed it. Still doesn't work, same message.
    I still get ITV Hub, should I Uninstalled ITV X and wait out?

    There are two versions of the ITVX app on Google Play: an ITV version and a Freeview version meant for Freeview Play devices: The Freeview version is the correct version so I would uninstall the ITV version. It seems that updating the app is not necessary but reboot the Aura. The Freeview version is here:

    | Thu 8 Dec 2022 17:50:18 #27 |
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    Rebooted Aura. Deleted ITV X app, gone into ITV Hub App, Bingo! ITV X up and running. Exited App, front end still ITV Hub. Awaiting Logo update.

    Thanks for all the help, regards

    | Thu 8 Dec 2022 19:12:42 #28 |
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    Might be a little late to the party as registration took longer than expected and everyone’s has auto updated by now, I should have registered before really.

    Been having the same issues with the app not working but I now have it working.

    If you have downloaded the app and it is not working uninstall it, as mentioned there are two versions on Google play and only one will work on Aura.

    Now go to the search in Google play and type “freeview”

    ITVX should appear twice in the list.

    If you click on one and it says “install” you have the wrong one.

    If you click it and it says “Update” you have the correct one.

    (I did also notice that the correct one had a little ticked triangle below the logo, but not sure if that means approved or something else).

    Click update.

    As mentioned the ITV Hub Logo may not change straight away (mine took about 5 mins to change) but it starts ITVX and it works.

    | Fri 9 Dec 2022 6:59:58 #29 |
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    I stand corrected. Happy to be proved wrong and that ITVX does indeed work.

    Now Humax, what about that firmware update you keep telling us is coming?

    | Fri 9 Dec 2022 12:38:33 #30 |

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