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Just got Aura, few little niggles

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    Hi, so i finally got a box today, upgrading from a 5000T.

    Up to now the picture quality looks very good, i'd say looks better than the 5000T.

    All seems pretty quick which is one thing i wanted so thats great.

    Is has the latest fw on it straight from connecting it.

    Couple of small niggles or points though in case anyone can help if they had the same..

    Shortly after getting it up and running i had initially done an auto channel scan and had it on bbc1 i the left it on for a bit while doing something else and when i come back it was frozen and had to restart, this could just be a small glitch as its not done it since then.

    I have since cleared the auto scan and manually added my mux's.

    Adding channels manually seems a bit bizarre? After you add a channel it goes straight back to the menu and you have to go in and enter your password again to add more, is that right?

    The Volume button seems to just increase and increase rather than having a limit?

    A couple of times when i have switched from standard TV to a HD channel the screen has just gone black and doesn't change to the channel. i found i had to go back to the standard channel again and then back to the HD channel a second time then it seemed to work.

    On my 5000T the signal strength was always about 60% i used to use an atttenuator to get it down to that as sometimes it would be more. on the Aura i noticed straight away it was about 45% and that was with no attenuator connected, up to now there hasn't been any breakups but will 45% be enough?

    3 times in the 5 hours or so i have had it i have had to re-sync the remote, just as well my samsung remote can also control it as that remained working but the humax remote just wouldn't work until i done another sync. While the remote wasn't working there was a green light on while i was pressing the buttons so it was working, not sure why it's decided to lose sync so much, hope this doesn't continue.

    If anyone can help with any of the above that would be great.



    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 16:33:04 #1 |
  2. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    james_uk - 4 hours ago  » 
    Hi, so i finally got a box today, upgrading from a 5000T.
    Up to now the picture quality looks very good, i'd say looks better than the 5000T.
    All seems pretty quick which is one thing i wanted so thats great.
    Is has the latest fw on it straight from connecting it.
    Couple of small niggles or points though in case anyone can help if they had the same..
    Shortly after getting it up and running i had initially done an auto channel scan and had it on bbc1 i the left it on for a bit while doing something else and when i come back it was frozen and had to restart, this could just be a small glitch as its not done it since then.
    I have since cleared the auto scan and manually added my mux's.
    Adding channels manually seems a bit bizarre? After you add a channel it goes straight back to the menu and you have to go in and enter your password again to add more, is that right?
    The Volume button seems to just increase and increase rather than having a limit?
    A couple of times when i have switched from standard TV to a HD channel the screen has just gone black and doesn't change to the channel. i found i had to go back to the standard channel again and then back to the HD channel a second time then it seemed to work.
    On my 5000T the signal strength was always about 60% i used to use an atttenuator to get it down to that as sometimes it would be more. on the Aura i noticed straight away it was about 45% and that was with no attenuator connected, up to now there hasn't been any breakups but will 45% be enough?
    3 times in the 5 hours or so i have had it i have had to re-sync the remote, just as well my samsung remote can also control it as that remained working but the humax remote just wouldn't work until i done another sync. While the remote wasn't working there was a green light on while i was pressing the buttons so it was working, not sure why it's decided to lose sync so much, hope this doesn't continue. If none of that works try full device reset. Good luck
    If anyone can help with any of the above that would be great.

    45% signal strength is too low. Aim for 85% in HD channels. Is it fluctuating? I don’t bother with manual tune as makes no difference I could see. Aura detects overlapping regions. You might need a Freeview reset, which will auto scan the channels. Remote sync needs to be done close to box. If none of that works do a full device reset. Good luck

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 21:23:38 #2 |
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    How will i get more than 45% signal strength if thats the highest the box is getting, better aerial?

    Its odd because on my 5000T i had to lower the strength as it was a little high, so same aerial and connection but so much lower on the aura?

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 21:28:22 #3 |
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    45% signal strength may not be high but it's certainly not "too low" as long as its consistent. I have attenuated my signal way down to 19% and it was still watchable. What is important is the quality and as long as that remains 100% you should be fine.
    Comparing 45% on the Aura to 60% on the 5000t is irrelevant, different machines, different software, different scales.

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 22:04:26 #4 |
  5. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    SSThing - 2 hours ago  » 
    45% signal strength may not be high but it's certainly not "too low" as long as its consistent. I have attenuated my signal way down to 19% and it was still watchable. What is important is the quality and as long as that remains 100% you should be fine.
    Comparing 45% on the Aura to 60% on the 5000t is irrelevant, different machines, different software, different scales.

    All I can say is that Humax told me to aim for 85% (got 86%) as 90% too high on signal strength for the Aura. See my other posts. If you somehow know better than Humax then good luck to you. Yes I had much higher signal strength on my 4000T but that as you say is a different device. But how little signal is too low is another question. So you may have a point there.

    | Sat 14 Aug 2021 1:05:40 #5 |
  6. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    james_uk - 3 hours ago  » 
    How will i get more than 45% signal strength if thats the highest the box is getting, better aerial?
    Its odd because on my 5000T i had to lower the strength as it was a little high, so same aerial and connection but so much lower on the aura?

    Don’t compare with 5000T. Different tuner sensitivity. Maybe you actually need a signal booster. (And an attenuator if a booster goes over 90%) Humax told me to aim for 85%.

    Are you tuned to the nearest transmitter?

    | Sat 14 Aug 2021 1:13:34 #6 |
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    The problem with Humax tech support is that they frequently know less than they should and give out poor or poorly explained advice.
    Too high signal % has been causing issues for Humax equipment for years and I am very confident that the reason they now tell people to use an attenuator is because they were recommended by the longest standing and most technical savvy members here (not me by the way).
    When you told them you had issues at 90% they told you to dial it down to 85%. But giving you an arbitrary % like that is wrong (because what if 85% still has issues?). They should be telling you to dial in the attenuation until you see the quality drop from 100%, this may well take it way down. That gives you an idea of the bottom line and then you wind the signal back up to 100% quality and then test in incremental levels of strength until issues no longer persist and this may be 91/85/75/64/45 etc etc, who knows?
    So what you were told was only half right.

    | Sat 14 Aug 2021 8:38:15 #7 |
  8. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    SSThing - 3 hours ago  » 
    The problem with Humax tech support is that they frequently know less than they should and give out poor or poorly explained advice.
    Too high signal % has been causing issues for Humax equipment for years and I am very confident that the reason they now tell people to use an attenuator is because they were recommended by the longest standing and most technical savvy members here (not me by the way).
    When you told them you had issues at 90% they told you to dial it down to 85%. But giving you an arbitrary % like that is wrong (because what if 85% still has issues?). They should be telling you to dial in the attenuation until you see the quality drop from 100%, this may well take it way down. That gives you an idea of the bottom line and then you wind the signal back up to 100% quality and then test in incremental levels of strength until issues no longer persist and this may be 91/85/75/64/45 etc etc, who knows?
    So what you were told was only half right.

    I didn’t tell them I had a problem at 90% signal. I said I and others had a problem with freezing and I mentioned the sound format 5.1 to stereo transition theory. But they came back with the signal issue and sensitivity of the tuners and sent me an attenuator.

    You are sort of assuming the lowest amount of signal is best and I am assuming the maximum amount of signal under the limit

    | Sat 14 Aug 2021 12:42:51 #8 |
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    "All I can say is that Humax told me to aim for 85% (got 86%) as 90% too high on signal strength for the Aura." most certainly reads that you told them 90% and they told you 85%.
    And your assumption is wrong.
    Without testing your reception percentages fully, you could set it to 86% and five minutes later its peaking to 96% (as an example only) because of atmospherics but you won't know because when you test again it says 86%. That's why you have to test down to the bottom limits of reception and then incrementally dial up until you find the sweet spot.
    But hey, if you only want to listen to Humax, feel free to carry on being an unpaid beta tester (irrespective of the beta firmware group) because that's all the current owners are (plenty of us know this because we went through exactly the same when the 4000t/5000t were introduced).

    | Sat 14 Aug 2021 13:08:45 #9 |
  10. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    SSThing - 1 day ago  » 
    "All I can say is that Humax told me to aim for 85% (got 86%) as 90% too high on signal strength for the Aura." most certainly reads that you told them 90% and they told you 85%.
    And your assumption is wrong.
    Without testing your reception percentages fully, you could set it to 86% and five minutes later its peaking to 96% (as an example only) because of atmospherics but you won't know because when you test again it says 86%. That's why you have to test down to the bottom limits of reception and then incrementally dial up until you find the sweet spot.
    But hey, if you only want to listen to Humax, feel free to carry on being an unpaid beta tester (irrespective of the beta firmware group) because that's all the current owners are (plenty of us know this because we went through exactly the same when the 4000t/5000t were introduced).

    Sorry your psychic abilities are letting you down :-).
    Wrong: I was on 95% signal strength.
    Wrong: as I said I didn't mention signal strength to Humax I talked about sound format. They brought up signal strength. Wrong: and my signal strength is rock solid on 86% on HD channels. No atmospherics.

    I'm not sure I could find the 'sweet spot' you mention, but I don't need to. I haven't had any freezes yet.

    I think the real root of the problem maybe the demodulator chip or related hardware and firmware which is a newer generation than the 4/5000T. I believe that Humax have mentioned that it is more sensitive than previous models. I think a firmware fix will be coming at some point.

    Yes maybe Humax support aren't always the best, but you are agreeing with them that an attenuator is a fix (even if temporary) it's just the 85% advice you don't like.

    I too had a 4000T and it had many problems, I had a replacement unit. Ultimately the final software update fixed a lot of problems.

    I have no choice but to listen to Humax and also to people on this forum. But the only people who are going to come up with a firmware fix are Humax, and it can be tested by the Beta firmware group.

    And hey, we are all unpaid beta testers at this point

    | Mon 16 Aug 2021 1:19:58 #10 |

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