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Lost signal

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    Joined: Sep '23
    Posts: 23


    Hello all, I noticed late last night that I could only receive BBC channels.Same again this morning.Checked all the usual suspects, aerial, HDMI cable -unplugged -waited 20 secs etc, nothing . Still getting 'the recorder is not receiving a signal or the signal is weak' msg ?I re tuned the box (wouldn't let me choose my area East Yorks- only BBC East...) I also noticed when I did a signal test it came up as tuner 1,2&3 =0%.Any help appreciated

    | Tue 5 Sep 2023 18:55:27 #1 |
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    There have been reports of problems resulting from the current hot weather conditions. It is a pity that you retuned as that is the last thing you should do on losing channels.

    You will now have to retune at intervals until you get them all back and then do not retune if they disappear again.

    | Tue 5 Sep 2023 20:08:07 #2 |
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    Hi A1944- I've lost the signal completely -as said, had BBC this morning -now nothing,sorry photos aren't great...

    | Tue 5 Sep 2023 20:56:53 #3 |
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    Hope these photos are ok

    | Tue 5 Sep 2023 21:06:59 #4 |
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    Tuner 1 & 3 are still 0% but Tuner 2 is 90% strength and 100% quality.

    | Tue 5 Sep 2023 21:13:03 #5 |
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    matty64Hull - 2 mins ago  » 
    Tuner 1 & 3 are still 0% but Tuner 2 is 90% strength and 100% quality.

    In that case it might be worth trying a retune to see if you can get everything back. As I said, if you get everything back to normal, don't retune again, whatever happens next.

    | Tue 5 Sep 2023 21:18:06 #6 |
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    Any improvement yet Matty?

    | Thu 7 Sep 2023 0:08:33 #7 |
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    Hi A1944- yes there’s improvements, but not all channels are available. So a signal is getting through but obviously not ideal….

    | Thu 7 Sep 2023 10:40:12 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    matty64Hull - 2 hours ago  » 
    Hi A1944- yes there’s improvements, but not all channels are available. So a signal is getting through but obviously not ideal….

    Could you give us some examples of channels that you can't receive please?

    | Thu 7 Sep 2023 12:43:39 #9 |
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    Joined: Sep '23
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    Hi Martin, it’s all a bit strange last night I managed to be able to watch all of Programmes. I wanted BBC One, Quest,ch4…this morning non of those. just going through the channels now first one works is That’s Tv. Sky arts,now Quest is back on-QVC,Really… So as I said, I am getting a signal from the box to the TV do you think I have pressed something in settings?

    | Thu 7 Sep 2023 13:37:12 #10 |

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