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My "new" CRT TV will not connect with my new Humax

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    Joined: Nov '15
    Posts: 32


    Yes, the electrician I called out put the scart socket where I indicated. I am disabled and I find many sockets of all kinds get harder and harder. My reading of the manual was at fault as I presumed that the scart socket that said decoder was the one to use.
    I had written a letter to Sony but, as I said before, they do not support such an old device so I thought I have nothing to loose. So I did manage to change the socket and almost knocked over the whole TV but as I had given up anyway I thought I would just have a go.

    If course the new Humax is slightly different to the previous 2 I have had but there are enough similarities so it is easy enough to get used to.

    The picture on my "antique" Sont CRT TV is not at all bad. Maybe I should drop Sony a line to tell them! I use Sony boogie boxes to listen to my audiobooks so they are not a bad company.

    | Thu 16 May 2024 8:49:56 #21 |

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