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Netflix software full rollout For HDR

(34 posts)
  1. Barry


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    nevans - 9 minutes ago  » 
    Where is this 3.00.20 software of which you speak?

    3.00.20 is in beta and only required for those having issue with HDCP invalid problems.

    3.00.18 is the current publically released version.

    Are you experiencing HDCP issues?

    | Tue 22 Dec 2015 18:55:27 #31 |
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    No, no HDCP problems, but I thought that I would have got it, being one of their beta testers.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2015 11:44:28 #32 |
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    Gaz1961 - 2 weeks ago  » 
    Thanks Barry. I think i'll go down the Humax support path rather than try a factory reset just before Christmas just in case that screws the box up.

    I had this reply from Humax support on Christmas eve but haven't given it a try yet. Do you think they are correct about the recorded programs being saved. If you agree then I'll give this a try.
    Also, if I install the software updates again will I be back to square one with Netflix not working again?

    Please find the instructions below to reset your box which should help resolve your issue.

    Following these instructions will reset some system settings including your Recording Schedule (Please replace when complete to ensure you still record favourite programmes)

    Any previous recorded programmes will be saved.
    •Press Settings or Home on your remote.
    •Move to Settings > System Settings and press OK.
    •Move to Factory Default and press OK.
    •Reset System will be highlighted, press OK.
    •It will ask you if you are sure, highlight yes and press OK.
    •It will then ask for your password, default is 0000
    •The box will then reset itself. You will then need to go through the initial setup again.

    | Sun 3 Jan 2016 0:13:25 #33 |
  4. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,052


    Recorded programmes are saved, but note you schedule will be deleted so make a note.

    | Sun 3 Jan 2016 1:31:17 #34 |

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