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FVP 4000T trial

(82 posts)
  1. Stephenesque


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    Was the 2TB model actually released to market?

    Yes, I bought one last December, which is why I am hoping that Humax not mentioning it is just an oversight.

    | Tue 15 Mar 2016 17:00:16 #11 |
  2. Thrugelmir


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    Willing to be a guinea pig. If it resolves some of the existing issues will be a step forward.

    | Tue 15 Mar 2016 19:36:34 #12 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Stephenesque - 3 hours ago  » 

    Was the 2TB model actually released to market?

    Yes, I bought one last December, which is why I am hoping that Humax not mentioning it is just an oversight.

    The hard drive size is surely not going to be an issue. The software is identical.

    | Tue 15 Mar 2016 20:48:06 #13 |
  4. Chris...K


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    They don't need to recruit a panel
    They just need to use it
    I've had one for less than a week and I have a list
    I don't think the software designer has ever used a pvr

    | Thu 17 Mar 2016 5:49:15 #14 |
  5. brian


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    Chris...K - 2 hours ago  » 
    They don't need to recruit a panel
    They just need to use it
    I've had one for less than a week and I have a list
    I don't think the software designer has ever used a pvr

    Does this mean that you are going to register your interest in the trial?

    | Thu 17 Mar 2016 8:17:47 #15 |
  6. Thrugelmir


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    brian - 9 hours ago  » 

    Chris...K - 2 hours ago  » 
    They don't need to recruit a panel
    They just need to use it
    I've had one for less than a week and I have a list
    I don't think the software designer has ever used a pvr

    Does this mean that you are going to register your interest in the trial?

    I don't think that the trial is going to resolve the poor interfaces which are simply shocking. As if designed by a 3 year old.

    | Thu 17 Mar 2016 18:18:56 #16 |
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    I don't think that the trial is going to resolve the poor interfaces which are simply shocking. As if designed by a 3 year old.

    Can I suggest you re-read Barry's post which says

    Humax are preparing new features on our Freeview Play FVP-4000T 500GB and 1TB models and prior to public release, we would like to run a trial offer including an updated interface and new services!

    Just what do you want?

    To wallow in your pit of self pity that the box does not do what you want?

    Or do you want to help Humax to fix it by testing it and telling them what you do not like about it?

    How many other manufacturers are so willing to seek customer opinion?

    I heard a presentation from the IBM person who lead the team which wrote the on-board software for the shuttle. IBM delivered it error free. There were 300 people on the team - 100 wrote the technical specification in accordance with the contractual requirements. 100 wrote the software. 100 wrote the test harness. The project cost millions.

    The software in the Humax probably has more lines of code than the shuttle software. The software has to cope with equipment - TVs - which may not even have on the market when the software was specified. If Humax did what IBM did each PVR would cost tens of thousands of pounds.

    Perfect indeed - but I doubt you or anyone else would buy it. Humax would go bust.

    Sign up for the trial and give your opinions to Humax. Don't moan "I don't like ...". Say "I would prefer it if you did ..."

    Rant over.

    | Fri 18 Mar 2016 8:09:12 #17 |
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    If I were Humax I don't think I would find it all obvious what to include in the next functional release.

      NETFLIX - Already in public focus, so yes
      MENU reformats?
      MENU work flow improvements?
      Not losing schedule on retune (to compete with post March 2016 rival Freeview PVRs)?
      Intelligent retunes (to compete with post March 2016 rival Freeview PVRs)?
      Identification of broadcast changes (if not already included in preparation for the new metadata)?
      Optional use of alternative remote that has an i button ?

    to name a few which Humax may have considered.

    There are also bug fixes to consider. Only those where the root cause has been located could proceed to being scheduled for being fixed or its publicly perceived impact being reduced. Any changes for fixes to the same code or/and functional area as the improvements can have knock one effects on delivery of those fixes and improvements.

    I can't confidentially predict what will be included in the next significant release but I am certain that due to different priorities not every PVR-4000T owner, or potential purchaser, will have their desired prime update included.

    | Sat 19 Mar 2016 17:37:13 #18 |
  9. Thrugelmir


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    To wallow in your pit of self pity that the box does not do what you want?

    We just want it to work. As for innovation. Sometimes there's no need to innovate. After all listing TV programmes in a sensible layout is hardly difficult. Perhaps it's all designed on 60" screens.

    | Sat 19 Mar 2016 23:19:56 #19 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Thrugelmir - 21 hours ago  » 

    To wallow in your pit of self pity that the box does not do what you want?

    We just want it to work. As for innovation. Sometimes there's no need to innovate. After all listing TV programmes in a sensible layout is hardly difficult. Perhaps it's all designed on 60" screens.

    A tad confused. A 60" screen would just make the epg view larger, it would have the same information, just larger. The opposite must be true, the large epg is easier to read on small screens.

    | Sun 20 Mar 2016 20:29:18 #20 |

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