My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

New 1800 missing recordings

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    Martin Liddle

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    yam535 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Hi Arthur, I hope you are getting on with the 1800t. Did you find the timer adjust configuration. I have mine set to start 5mins earlier and end 10 mins later. It's on page 22 of the manual. Menu, settings, preferences, recording. Change start padding time to on and chose your padding, repeat for end time. Never tried the unit without this feature active as I don't trust the broadcasts.

    The accurate recording facility on the Humax HD Freeview models works very well on the major channels. It isn't infallible as occasionally the broadcasters screw up but that I think is less frequently than programs overlap causing padding to be dropped. I suggest trying it; you can always go back to padding if it doesn't work for you.

    | Mon 15 Dec 2014 21:28:37 #11 |
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    I have to say I simply cannot understand why folk feel the need to use padding when the 'accurate record' feature is so reliable.

    I have been using AR on a Freeview PVR (same one) since late 2007 early 2008 and I could count the missed start/end times on the fingers of one hand.

    Well like the saying goes 'there's nowt as queer as folk'.

    | Mon 15 Dec 2014 22:50:03 #12 |
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    The non-recording issue is one I had with an out-of-the-box 1800t with an early software version. I looked on the 'net and found a software update which addressed the non-recording in standby problem.

    All my failed recording were when in standby, so I crossed my fingers, d'loaded the update, extracted it to a 16GB USB3 stick and followed the instructions.

    Happily, the software update worked first time, and the standby recording problem is resolved.

    | Sun 1 Mar 2015 14:29:54 #13 |
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    Help, All schedules and recordings missing. Can I retrieve the data stored on the hard drive.

    System was not reformatted but the date was shown last night suggesting a problem was found as it did not take the time from the internet.

    | Tue 28 Apr 2020 16:16:02 #14 |
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    Faust - 5 years ago  » 
    I have to say I simply cannot understand why folk feel the need to use padding when the 'accurate record' feature is so reliable.
    I have been using AR on a Freeview PVR (same one) since late 2007 early 2008 and I could count the missed start/end times on the fingers of one hand.
    Well like the saying goes 'there's nowt as queer as folk'.

    Your experience of AR is completely different to mine. It never seems to work properly on the channels of interest to me. I've also lost count of the times I've missed start/end of programmes on BBC/ITV/4/5.

    | Wed 29 Apr 2020 17:56:25 #15 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    EEPhil - 10 mins ago  » 
    Your experience of AR is completely different to mine. It never seems to work properly on the channels of interest to me. I've also lost count of the times I've missed start/end of programmes on BBC/ITV/4/5.

    AR works well for me; it isn't perfect and the implementation on the FVP-5000T is worse than the HDR-FOX T2, but (ignoring the hiccup when the BBC were commissioning a new playout system last year), it is rare to lose starts or ends of programmes on BBC/ITV. I do use manual tuning to make sure the PVR is tuned to a set of multiplexes from a single transmitter but other than that I don't think I am doing anything unusual.

    | Wed 29 Apr 2020 18:14:16 #16 |
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    I keep meaning to change the setting on the 2000T to AR and leave the 5000T padded to see how things are. I need a round tuit.

    | Wed 29 Apr 2020 18:20:06 #17 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    EEPhil - 17 hours ago  » 
    I keep meaning to change the setting on the 2000T to AR and leave the 5000T padded to see how things are. I need a round tuit.

    If when you turn on AR again it still isn't working properly then a reset to default settings might help. BlackHole over on was always adamant over several years that AR didn't work whenever he tried it until some incident that reset the box and then it started working properly for him.

    | Thu 30 Apr 2020 12:03:12 #18 |
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    I tried the AR on the 2000T. Worked OK on the first two ITV programmes. Completely lost the start of a programme on "Horror". Given that most of my recordings are on minor channels, some serious experimentation is required - or go back to padding. Might try a reset first.

    | Fri 1 May 2020 9:23:11 #19 |
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    EEPhil - 8 hours ago  » 
    I tried the AR on the 2000T. Worked OK on the first two ITV programmes. Completely lost the start of a programme on "Horror". Given that most of my recordings are on minor channels, some serious experimentation is required - or go back to padding. Might try a reset first.

    Horror channel defintely isn't AR.

    With my PVR I can separately choose whether to default AR or padding for each channel.
    Every channel started of in my personal 'use AR' list but then gets moved over once I had had continual failures.

    My core AR channels are BBC TV, ITV, Channel4 group, and Channel 5 group (including Paramount Network).

    The exceptions for BBC are being AR are any red button channels and BBC Parliament, for which I use padding.

    ITV use to not apply AR to +1 channels, or their more minor channels between Midnight and 6am, but I think they may have expanded their use of AR. Certainly in the last few years the very few that I have tried have recorded very accurately and not according to the published schedule.

    Channel 5 use to have a bad reputation for AR. This wasn't entirely fair. Channel 5 were honest in that they used to state that they do not use AR but would continue to reconsider. Eventually they started to use AR and from the start use to work very well compared to BBC, ITV and 4. Unfortunately they had already built a reputation that continued to have adverse posts for at least another 3 years after they started to use AR. They have since gone through a bad patch but I do record from their channels and haven't experienced a bad AR for a very long time, (unlike their sometimes abysmal CRIDs).

    No radio channels that I can find appear to use "AR" but this year Radio 4 have started to use an alternative to the more expensive form of AR. Instead of a live feed of adjustments to the EIT p/f (which is what the AR code in PVRs work off) they appear to be using predictive times.

    | Fri 1 May 2020 23:43:01 #20 |

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