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New 1800 missing recordings

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    Martin Liddle

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    Luke - 8 hours ago  » 
    Instead of a live feed of adjustments to the EIT p/f (which is what the AR code in PVRs work off) they appear to be using predictive times.

    Please forgive my ignorance but could you explain "predictive times".

    | Sat 2 May 2020 8:25:55 #21 |
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    Martin Liddle - 2 hours ago  » 

    Luke - 8 hours ago  » 
    Instead of a live feed of adjustments to the EIT p/f (which is what the AR code in PVRs work off) they appear to be using predictive times.

    Please forgive my ignorance but could you explain "predictive times".

    Sorry, my attempt at a choice the broadcasters have for setting the the EIT p/f start times.

    Part of a broadcasters responsibilities is for the programme details for the epg to be passed to Freeview in advance. The broadcaster can do this themselves via their multiplex operator, or via a third party specialist schedule provider. The details need to include both the EPG 7 day schedule and the "now/Next" default details for the EIT p/f.
    Up to a few months ago what the broadcasters, or their 3rd part schedule providers, appeared to be doing for all channels was to provide the advanced EIT p/f details that were identical to the EIT 7 day schedule details.

    The 7 day schedule times are normally adjusted by typically up to 3 minutes to make the guide times easier to be recognised by us, the users of the guide so that the billed time corresponds to one of the 12 numbers on a clock. This billed time isn't the time the programme will actually be broadcast. The AR functionality works off the EIT P/F times. Some broadcaster spend the extra to provide dynamic updating of the EIT p/f. For those channels it does not matter that the default EIT p/f originally supplied is based on the EIT 7 day times, (unless a failure to supply the AR live feed occurs).
    For the remaining channels using just a copy of the neat looking EPG 7 day details instead of the real predicted times will always have a very high risk of mis-alignment with the content both when displaying the now/next details and also when recording.

    What the BBC started to do a few months ago for Radio 4, or perhaps were experimenting with, were supplying EIT p/f times that were likely to be more accurate than using the neat looking times of the 7 day schedule. A few of the times were to the half minute, which is why I first noticed that something different than usual was happening.

    | Sat 2 May 2020 11:34:17 #22 |
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    I think I'll stick to padding on all channels. Then I know that any cock-ups regarding start/stop times are likely to be my fault. As for series link and some dodgy CRIDs, I've found I have to resort to setting weekly/daily recordings and not use series link on radio. What a mess!

    | Sat 2 May 2020 13:27:53 #23 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Luke - 3 hours ago  » 
    What the BBC started to do a few months ago for Radio 4, or perhaps were experimenting with, were supplying EIT p/f times that were likely to be more accurate than using the neat looking times of the 7 day schedule. A few of the times were to the half minute, which is why I first noticed that something different than usual was happening.

    Thank you for a very clear and comprehensive explanation. The FVP is significantly worse than the HDR-FOX T2 in situations where the guide is being updated due to a previous programme overrunning. Could this be because the FVP doesn't check the updated EIT p/f data frequently enough?

    | Sat 2 May 2020 15:05:52 #24 |

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