My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

New - FVP 5000T

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    Thanks Graham .... and a special hello. If I have the memory correct you have been a long-term extremely patient and helpful resource on several fora and have been extremely helpful over many years. I may have got this wrong but I think many years ago you were keen on a Pioneer TV which we bought and still have and works well. Hard to believe what they cost in those days ..... and I'm not certain TV's I've seen since then are any better and would represent much of an improvement.

    On the new Hummy, is there a way of navigating home. In other words if you are in for example FreeviewPlay there is a top selection of search, then the individual channel apps below and then the genres and below that and then the populated programmes within the genres. If you have paged down in the individual programmes and are fairly deep down, is there a way of going straight to the search or app line ... as at the moment I can only find my way back by laboriously back tracking using the upward key.

    Re repopulating - I tend to leave it on all the time - I know this is bad - so I guess it is simply on and off each morning. Thanks again.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 12:19:55 #171 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    uk1 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Thanks Graham .... and a special hello. If I have the memory correct you have been a long-term extremely patient and helpful resource on several fora and have been extremely helpful over many years. I may have got this wrong but I think many years ago you were keen on a Pioneer TV which we bought and still have and works well. Hard to believe what they cost in those days ..... and I'm not certain TV's I've seen since then are any better and would represent much of an improvement.
    On the new Hummy, is there a way of navigating home. In other words if you are in for example FreeviewPlay there is a top selection of search, then the individual channel apps below and then the genres and below that and then the populated programmes within the genres. If you have paged down in the individual programmes and are fairly deep down, is there a way of going straight to the search or app line ... as at the moment I can only find my way back by laboriously back tracking using the upward key.
    Re repopulating - I tend to leave it on all the time - I know this is bad - so I guess it is simply on and off each morning. Thanks again.

    Guessing you had a Pioneer Kuro plasma TV. I will have a play with my new toy re your query. Did you try the programme up and down keys. On Humax boxes these normally act as page up and page down keys when in on screen displays ?

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 13:27:54 #172 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Just tried that out. One or two presses of channel up gets you back to the genre selection menu bar.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 13:32:35 #173 |
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    Thanks Graham - you are correct What a memory. You recomended a x PDP-428XD-T25B Advanced 42-inch KURO .... and my wife thought I was barmy to buy an expensive TV set without seeing it first and I said "Graham recommends it ... and he knows what he is talking about" and when it arrived I think it was the same time as our new Sky HD box and she was speechless. She stared at the screen and didn't speek for an hour ... which was a bonus. Is it my imagination that for 42 inch I really do not see a collosal improvement with new sets and so it is hard to justify something new.

    On my new Hummy the channel up doesn't appear to page up and down - within Youplay I've tried swtiching on and off and other stuff but nothing gets any response out of those keys. I seem to be stuck with just the arrows up and down.

    I have also found the box seeming to slow considerably today and there doesn't appear to be anything like a cleanup or defrag control although of course new box shouldn't need this. I have disconnected the lan cable and reconnected but that hasn't cleared sluggishness. The worst seems to be when invoking Freeviewplay. I also haven't identified a way of changing from lan to wifi which I think has been mentioned elsewhere.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 15:10:52 #174 |
  5. Norrette


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    Barry - 16 hours ago  » 
    1. I thought it was well known that BBC 1 early evening programmes start a couple of minutes early to allow for the news update at 19:57.
    3. With padding your BBC 4 timer starts before the channel is on air.

    Which is precisely my point. I don't want it to. With the Fox T2 you can select padding as 1 minute only. And I'd been successfully recording from BBC4 at 6:59 for several months now on the T2

    If padding is now defunct (which I'd challenge - see my other posts) why does Humax provide it? And as they do provide it can they please revert to a minimum of 1 minute and not 3 minutes?

    That way a user can automatically select a series from the EPG with auto padding as 1 minute set up. Now it is likely I have to be careful and manually set up BBC4 recordings.

    However, my third test is tonight for a manual recording set to start at 6:59. Let's see.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 15:32:54 #175 |
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    In defence of the 4000, I have not had missed recording yet using accurate recording and I record from BBC4 quite often.

    I have never used padding on the 4000 or HDR.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 15:44:20 #176 |
  7. Norrette


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    Martin Liddle - 18 hours ago  » 

    Norrette - 27 minutes ago  » 
    Someone above talked about which channels I'd been tuned to. I tried to work out which - it's CH23 for BBC4. But when I went into signal strength, I got a reading of 99-100 for CH23 on Tuner 1

    That could well be contributing to your problems; it sounds to me as though the signal strength could be too high. The fix is to install an attenuator in the aerial cabling (or if you have an amplifier turn down the gain or remove it).

    You make a good point Martin. I just went to one of my new recordings on the 5000T and found it had the very same problems regarding signal pixellation on recordings that I had with my Fox T2 and which failed completely a couple of weeks ago. I hope this doesn't mean that I've trashed one of the tuners on the 5000T

    I have a plain roof aerial, no amplification. I've just switched to an old portable indoor aerial and it's now safely down to 67% strength, which will do until I get an attenuator - I have a Maplins in my local area - will I get one there?


    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 15:58:51 #177 |
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    Barry - 8 hours ago  » 
    A few misconceptions being posted here so some corrections...
    You do not have to press multiple buttons to use the skip function, press the arrow key corresponding to the direction of skip required displays the timeline, continual presses will skip the duration user has set.

    grahamlthompson - 6 hours ago  » 
    Just tried this on my new 5000T. Default forward skip is set to 120 seconds (Most ads are 4 minutes).
    3 presses of right arrow key skips forwards 4 minutes which is identical to my HDR-1000S except for the one extra key push. Repeating using the the left key quickly corrects any overshoot.

    Many thanks for these very helpful clarifications. The "Skip" forward/back function is so essential to me that I'd more or less decided to buy a Humax DTR-T2000, in spite of the obvious disadvantages of that model and having to change from Freeview to a YouView UI plastered with BT branding.

    But from these comments I think I may be able to live with the 5000T. If I can ask a couple more questions, the 5000T's manual's "Playback Options" section gives one option as:

    Skip Forward Time: Select the skip time.

    What are the time options on offer?

    I have the 9150T I use now set to:

    Skip forward = 1 minute

    Skip backward = 10 seconds

    I use the function all the time, not mainly to skip commercials but to skip news items of no interest and the endless filling and padding of verbose presenters.

    It works very well but only because I can quickly and easily skip back 10 or 20 seconds when I overshoot with a FF.

    Can I duplicate these settings on the 5000T?

    Also, am I right to assume that the timeline appears briefly when the right arrow key is pressed and then disappears automatically when the button is released?

    grahamlthompson, when you say: "Repeating using the the left key quickly corrects any overshoot". How does that work, exactly? Can you configure the backskip time and if so, what are the available options?

    Thanks again for all your help!

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 17:03:28 #178 |
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    I think you'll find the Forward skip is 30, 60,120, or 240 seconds.
    The skip back if I remember correctly is 5, 10, 15,and I'm not sure about 20 seconds. We have ours n 120 seconds Forward and 15 seconds back.
    Finally your correct about the timelines disappearance after 1, or 2 seconds.
    We have the 5000t and are very pleased with it.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 17:19:59 #179 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Reverse Skip (Labelled Instant Replay Time 7 sec 15 Sec and 30 sec

    Skip forward Time 30 sec 60 sec 120 sec and 240 sec.

    Depending on setting chosen for reverse - If you overshoot into the programme Left - followed by enough lefts backs up into the end of the ads.

    Generally two lefts on my setting of 7 seconds gets you to the sponsor message just before the programme content resumes.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 17:33:24 #180 |

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