My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

New - FVP 5000T

(389 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    Norrette - 1 hour ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 18 hours ago  » 

    Norrette - 27 minutes ago  » 
    Someone above talked about which channels I'd been tuned to. I tried to work out which - it's CH23 for BBC4. But when I went into signal strength, I got a reading of 99-100 for CH23 on Tuner 1

    That could well be contributing to your problems; it sounds to me as though the signal strength could be too high. The fix is to install an attenuator in the aerial cabling (or if you have an amplifier turn down the gain or remove it).

    You make a good point Martin. I just went to one of my new recordings on the 5000T and found it had the very same problems regarding signal pixellation on recordings that I had with my Fox T2 and which failed completely a couple of weeks ago. I hope this doesn't mean that I've trashed one of the tuners on the 5000T
    I have a plain roof aerial, no amplification. I've just switched to an old portable indoor aerial and it's now safely down to 67% strength, which will do until I get an attenuator - I have a Maplins in my local area - will I get one there?

    Having too high a signal will not damage your tuner it just drives the tuner beyond the point that the output linearly follows the input creating distortion. Technically it clips the peaks of the input signal.

    Yes you will find a variable attenuator at Maplins but you will pay through the nose for it. £12.99 £3.75

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 17:42:30 #181 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Norrette - 1 hour ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 18 hours ago  » 

    Norrette - 27 minutes ago  » 
    Someone above talked about which channels I'd been tuned to. I tried to work out which - it's CH23 for BBC4. But when I went into signal strength, I got a reading of 99-100 for CH23 on Tuner 1

    That could well be contributing to your problems; it sounds to me as though the signal strength could be too high. The fix is to install an attenuator in the aerial cabling (or if you have an amplifier turn down the gain or remove it).

    You make a good point Martin. I just went to one of my new recordings on the 5000T and found it had the very same problems regarding signal pixellation on recordings that I had with my Fox T2 and which failed completely a couple of weeks ago.

    In what way did the HDR-FOX T2 fail completely?

    I hope this doesn't mean that I've trashed one of the tuners on the 5000T

    I don't recollect anybody ever reporting tuner damage due to overloading (but lots of people reporting recordings breaking up or failing which are usually resolved when the signal strength is reduced).

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 17:54:19 #182 |
  3. Norrette


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    Posts: 27


    In what way did the HDR-FOX T2 fail completely?

    Thanks Martin

    After all the problems with recordings which got progressively worse over a period of about 4 weeks, I couldn't record anything and then the picture started breaking up when watching live TV. Breaking up, and freezing and jumping mostly.

    I've said elsewhere I don't have time at the moment to try a new disc, I will do maybe over christmas when it's quiet. But if the same thing's happening with the new box, it can't be disc surely? Looking on here and on I think I'm not alone this last 2-3 months.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 18:31:50 #183 |
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    john1 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I think you'll find the Forward skip is 30, 60,120, or 240 seconds.
    The skip back if I remember correctly is 5, 10, 15,and I'm not sure about 20 seconds. We have ours n 120 seconds Forward and 15 seconds back.

    grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago  » 
    Reverse Skip (Labelled Instant Replay Time 7 sec 15 Sec and 30 sec
    Skip forward Time 30 sec 60 sec 120 sec and 240 sec.
    Depending on setting chosen for reverse - If you overshoot into the programme Left - followed by enough lefts backs up into the end of the ads.
    Generally two lefts on my setting of 7 seconds gets you to the sponsor message just before the programme content resumes.

    Thanks guys, great info.

    How did we ever manage in the dark days before the Internet when the only way to find out about a product was to hand over your hard-earned cash to a retailer?

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 18:40:19 #184 |
  5. Norrette


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    I think it was on this thread that someone told me that I cannot see the signal test results on all three tuners unless they are all in use. Well now I'm recording two channels and watching a third, yet I still can only see the first tuner results.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 19:14:43 #185 |
  6. Barry


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    If the channels are transmitted on the same mux then that is correct.

    You have to record from 3 different muxes to see signal test results on all 3 tuners.


    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 19:28:43 #186 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Norrette - 30 minutes ago  » 
    I think it was on this thread that someone told me that I cannot see the signal test results on all three tuners unless they are all in use. Well now I'm recording two channels and watching a third, yet I still can only see the first tuner results.

    Which channels ?

    Try BBC 1-SD, BBC1-HD and ITV-SD (PSB 1, PSB 3 and PSB 2)

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 19:45:23 #187 |
  8. Norrette


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    Posts: 27


    Thanks graham,

    The manual tells me: "Signal test - you can check the signal strength and quality of the searched channels"

    Despite this there is a case to be made for the Digital industry to think of new differentiated words for channel

    | Thu 9 Nov 2017 20:47:03 #188 |
  9. Norrette


    Joined: Oct '17
    Posts: 27


    A new potential bug perhaps...

    I tried to set record on a program for 1 am-ish tonight on Beeb4 - I was offered the HD option which I took, as it was an art program. It just kept coming back to 'set record or remind' option rather than confirm the recording as set. After about 5 mins I gave up and went back to the EPG and hey presto it is now showing set to record.

    I switched on this evening at about 5:40 After a few minutes I tried to switch to BBC1 (the box was still on beeb4 from last night)via the EPG. It refused to show the current program as 'live' (Pointless) and eventually I had to change programs via the channel up and down arrows on the handset. I thought it might be a warming up issue.

    However, it's just now happened again with a program on at 8pm. The thing in common with all of theses issues is that they were each part of a series.

    Is there a place where we should be tracking potential bugs to allow Humax to consider for their next release? Clearly those experience beta testers can attempt to replicate before confirming the bug status? And a wish list? It's all in support of an improved system.

    | Thu 9 Nov 2017 20:53:23 #189 |
  10. Barry


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    1. Not a bug - If you choose the HD option when setting a recording from the SD variant of the channel then you won't see a confirmation, you are still viewing the SD variant of the channel so the options you witnessed are correct.

    2. As for your other problem, was the EPG populated?

    | Thu 9 Nov 2017 21:12:35 #190 |

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