My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

New - FVP 5000T

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    I think its more the case that Humax used the 4000 users as beta testers and the 5000 is closer to a final product. Certainly making this longer term humax user think twice before buying again.

    | Thu 12 Oct 2017 16:24:54 #41 |


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    Mcmad - 12 minutes ago  » 
    I think its more the case that Humax used the 4000 users as beta testers and the 5000 is closer to a final product. Certainly making this longer term humax user think twice before buying again.

    Perhaps Humax just wish to try out the changed software on a limited user base before rolling it out to the 4000.

    Why would they wish to maintain two software versions long term when one would suffice?

    | Thu 12 Oct 2017 16:39:36 #42 |
  3. Barry


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    Review by What HI*FI

    | Fri 13 Oct 2017 8:19:09 #43 |
  4. gomezz


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    Sadly, the kind of review the hack can devise by taking the Humax publicity blurb and running it through the magazine's house style mill.

    It is a fact of life that professional reviewers become inured to shortcomings with a device's UI as they become so accustomed to working with different ones across different manufacturers and put down any issues entirely to their own unfamiliarity.

    | Fri 13 Oct 2017 8:50:10 #44 |
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    gomezz - 31 minutes ago  » 
    Sadly, the kind of review the hack can devise by taking the Humax publicity blurb and running it through the magazine's house style mill.
    It is a fact of life that professional reviewers become inured to shortcomings with a device's UI as they become so accustomed to working with different ones across different manufacturers and put down any issues entirely to their own unfamiliarity.

    I think you are correct in your assessment. I am much more minded to take notice of a reviewer who has 'lived' with a device for around 6 months using it in everyday operating situations.

    The fact that their previous 'favourite' was the HDR2000T is itself worrying.

    The other thing of course is there's no sign of UHD.

    | Fri 13 Oct 2017 9:22:56 #45 |
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    Yes, starting from such a low base as the 2000T for the comparison betrays the writers lack of understanding of the genre. There is nothing at all in that review that could not be cut-n-pasted. I'll await actual user feedback in these forums before forming an opinion.

    | Fri 13 Oct 2017 10:39:56 #46 |
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    Well, I briefly had an FVP-4000T before taking it back for a refund due to many issues that I experienced with it, not least the incredibly frustrating slowness and the STB putting itself into standby randomly. Then I saw that the FVP-5000T was due out and ordered it yesterday and it arrived late this morning.

    Over the past couple of hours of using it, all I can say is that it's a world apart from the FVP-4000T in terms of responsiveness and usability. The setup process at the beginning is much the same as the FVP-4000T, which is very easy to follow.

    The ability to turn off transparency on the menus and TV guide is certainly welcome and the ability to view program information from the TV Guide without changing channel is also good. The function to press OK whilst watching live TV and view a banner and scroll through other channels/TV listings brings it in line with others that I've used in the past.

    I've been able to schedule remote recordings (including series linked) from the web interface, the iOS TV Guide app and the search function on the STB, which is much quicker too. The existing iOS Live TV and Remote apps seem to work without issue for me, but I haven't tested any of the Media Player capabilities.

    A minor irritant so far is that when you access the FreeviewPlay screen and then select a menu option, if you press the 'backup' button it has the same action as pressing 'X' in taking you back to the live TV screen, rather than back to the FreeviewPlay menu. Also, when you scroll back in the EPG and select a program, it opens the correct app to start streaming straight away, rather than giving any program information as it would for current and future broadcasts.

    When I pressed the Netflix button, I was presented with the sign in/create account screen and then pressed 'X' to exit. Rather than exit, it kept the Netflix screen displayed and active. Whilst I was able to change channel, use the EPG, etc in the background, I had to put the STB into standby and then switch it back on to be able to view TV again.

    Another minor issue (which was present in the FVP-4000T as well) is that when an item is set to record a series (such as BBC News at Ten), if you have more than one regional channel available, it schedules to record from all of the channels it's available on, rather than the one channel you set the recording for in the first place.

    Other than that, the Scheduled recordings list appears a little more user friendly, but could benefit with day titles to help break up the list visually, and you can choose list or grid mode for recorded items. In the On Now listings, you have the ability to display 9 tiles of the channel of your choosing, which gives you a good view of what's currently on those channels. This is good for looking at what's on your favourite channels now, without using the EPG.

    Anyway, that's my brief overview for now and I hope it's of benefit to some. Unlike the FVP-4000T, I will certainly be keeping the FVP-5000T (assuming no major issues crop up) and am very happy with the experience so far. I don't think anyone considering the upgrade would be disappointed.

    Best regards,


    | Fri 13 Oct 2017 13:58:22 #47 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Tuning more than one transmitter is not a very good idea. It can mess up series and accurate recording. The BBC clearly don't accomodate the possibility of a user having more than one region in the CRID recording codes they use. Basically they allocate the same series crid and a different programme crid to each regional variant.

    You will get the same issue with any Freeview+ box, it's not a bug in the software.

    | Fri 13 Oct 2017 14:05:59 #48 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    offline - 7 minutes ago  » 
    Anyway, that's my brief overview for now and I hope it's of benefit to some. Unlike the FVP-4000T, I will certainly be keeping the FVP-5000T (assuming no major issues crop up) and am very happy with the experience so far. I don't think anyone considering the upgrade would be disappointed.

    Interesting thanks; do keep us updated with any further observations.

    | Fri 13 Oct 2017 14:07:16 #49 |
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    I don't suppose anyone has used the 5000t with a H3 box to view recordings from another room ?

    I find that with a 4000t and the H3 box, pressing fast forward is fraught with danger, in that it will often just stop playback and when you replay the recording it starts from the beginning again. Not sure if this is an issue with the 4000t or the H3.

    | Fri 13 Oct 2017 14:57:41 #50 |

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