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New software version 2.02.46 available...

(26 posts)
  1. Barry


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    New software version 2.02.46 available for usb upload to 1000/1010/1100S models


    Release note:

    • Resolution of the reboot issue in software version 2.02.34

    • Support for the Edimax wifi dongle

    • Resolved Recording icon on front display

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 12:43:17 #1 |
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    I assume, Barry, that at some time this will go OTA?

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 18:25:33 #2 |
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    Joined: Jun '15
    Posts: 11


    Cheers Barry, installed and working fine.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 18:29:01 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    Pollensa1946 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I assume, Barry, that at some time this will go OTA?


    IP download and OTA - more info when I have it.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 19:57:23 #4 |
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    I'm struggling to get this to update on my 1010s. I've tried 5 diff usb drives, all fat32, all with the file in the root. I've double checked the file name and followed the process as per the readme to the letter and I can't get it to initiate.

    With the usb in and holding the channel down button, I replace the power cable. the unit boots, I see LEDs on the usb kick in, I hear the harddrive spin up ... then standby. hitting the power button after that just turns it on lol. no 'downloading' or upgrade.

    Am I missing a trick here?

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 20:53:04 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Hi welcome to our forum.

    The box has to be in full sby.

    If when you plug the usb stick into the usb port you get the usb led stick led access led it's not in full sby,

    It may be because the box is recording, or about to record in the next 15 minutes or so.

    It may be because the box is processing programme deletions or about to record

    It may be because the box has bot been left in sby for not long enough to enter full sby.

    This works for me.

    If you have two usb sticks,

    Format one from scratch with nothing on it. Format the second with the upgrade file.

    With the box in standby insert the blank usb stick (if the usb stick led access led is lit the box is not in full sby). If you look at the same stick on a PC you will see a recycle bin on the usb stick.

    After checking the box is not recording or about to record in the next 15 minutes. Put it in sby for 10-15 minutes, insert the dummy upgrade usb stick, if nothing happens, insert the stick with the upgrade and follow the instructions,

    This invariably works for me.

    The explanation is if the box is not 100% in sby, it checks the usb device for playable content.

    Hope this works for you

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 21:40:45 #6 |
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    thanks for the reply =]

    waiting for it to be in full sby suggests it's still plugged into the mains. The readme mentions 'plugging the power cable back in/turning the mains plug back on' once the usb is plugged in. How can it be in full sby in that sense?

    should I just be waiting for full sby, insert the usb, press the down channel button and then hit the power button on the front?

    still confused ¬¬

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 22:25:46 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    The instructions are a little confusing. There are 2 ways to initiate an update via USB.

    1. Disconnect power, insert usb pendrive, re-apply power whilst touching/pressing channel down button, keep pressing until update appears on front display, and/or on screen.


    2. With unit in full standby - i.e. been in standby for over 5 minutes with no timers due in the next 15 minutes, insert pendrive, press power button whilst simultaneously pressing channel down, again keep pressing until update message appears.

    Another thing worth checking:

    If you have been unsuccessful then check pendrive and ensure no recycle file has been added to root.

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 22:36:45 #8 |
  9. launton


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    Thanks to all concerned on a speedy fix. Much appreciated

    | Wed 29 Jul 2015 22:43:28 #9 |
  10. MontysEvilTwin


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    Good on Humax for fixing the Edimax dongle issue. As they have never guaranteed compatibilty with the Edimax dongles they were under no obligation to do so.

    | Thu 30 Jul 2015 1:58:57 #10 |

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