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No Dolby Atmos via Aura apps

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    Martin Liddle

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    Bees67 - 17 hours ago  » 
    Was it a update to improve the system or just a security patch.

    It was a fix for various problems with BBC iPlayer on the HDR-FOX T2.

    | Fri 8 Jul 2022 14:25:53 #11 |
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    Bees67 - 1 day ago  » 
    You need bitstream or raw output from the Aura to the amp via Arc or direct Hdmi to anable Atmos to work there does not seem to be such a setting in the Aura, even using custom settings. I have disabled Ms12 which in theory should give the right output but so far does not seem too. There should be a proper sound settings on the Aura for Atmos, hopefully this will happen with a future update if and when they decide to send one.

    The aura needs to be placed into up to 7.1 audio mode in audio settings in order to achieve Atmos output. In my experience it is also helpful to place your TV into passthrough mode if possible. With respect to audio out, as this ensures that your TV does not interfere with the audio stream from the aura in anyway and will pass Raw audio stream from the other to your sound system.

    Unfortunately, only newer TVs tend to have a passthrough option. Placing the order in up to 7.1 mode will automatically disable MS12 transcoding. If you're lucky enough to have a sound system that can handle 5.1 AAC audio as is. You will be able to keep 5.1 audio and certain 5.1 forecasts with out using MS 12 transcoding but quite often. If the TV is not placed in passthrough with respect to audio out, then AAC 5.1 output as stereo by the TV.

    Dolby Atmos is typically 5.1.2 or above audio meaning if the aura is left in 5.1 mode Atmos cannot be achieved. By doing what I have described above achieved Atmos output on prime video on the aura.

    The trouble is that the setting to and have slightly different names on different TV brands and isn't always easy to find the setting is properly called something like 'digital sound out' or 'digital sound output'. When using audio out, TVs will typically have an auto mode. This means that your TV will do. Initial audio processing before passing an audio stream to your sound system. This is especially the case when using HDMI ARC in this case you don't want the TV to do any audio processing. Hence the need for passthrough.

    I hope this helps you out but if it doesn't, I'm afraid I'm all out of ideas We can but try

    | Sat 9 Jul 2022 19:28:05 #12 |
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    Thanks for your reply, but as I previously have said I have tried every combination of settings and nothing works. My TV is a Samsung QLED and is only 2 years old, and as I have indicated before the apps on the TV give me Atmos output through my Sony STR DH1080 surround amp. The tv has a Dolby Atmos passthrough setting and it is enabled. My Panasonic UHD Blueray player also outputs Atmos via the HDMI eARC between my TV and Sony amp, the only device that does not is the Aura. I have tried the Aura on the 7.1 when I first set it up but I only got Dolby+. But just last night a further problem occured when streaming and using fast forward the picture froze and the only way to get back to playing the content was to leave the app and then return, finally when I returned back to freeview channels I could see the channel list but when I clicked on any I got no picture only sound only unpluging and restoring power cured the problem so it looks like it will be going back to the retailer.

    | Sun 10 Jul 2022 9:25:52 #13 |
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    Haven't read the whole conversation, its a Sunday, but have you checked with the Disney and Amazon apps own settings to see if there is an option to select pass through for audio?

    | Sun 10 Jul 2022 11:50:54 #14 |
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    It's one of the few things that does work on my aura.

    | Sun 10 Jul 2022 12:15:22 #15 |
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    Have checked the apps for settings still the problem persists. phlppip you are lucky can you confirm your settings. It seems from my research if you are using a Atmos soundbar it can work for some people my problem is I have the full setup of surround speakers including height speakers and a Sony STR DH1080 suround amp and it just does not work with the Aura but has no problem with othere devices. I have encountered other problems with the Aura over the last 24hrs and I am going to ask for a replacement.

    | Sun 10 Jul 2022 13:09:46 #16 |
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    I have the Sony h7000 soundbar and have msqw off with 7.1 sound on

    | Mon 11 Jul 2022 6:26:42 #17 |
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    Thanks phlppip for the reply with your settings, not sure what msqw means? It's interesting that most Atmos soundbars users do not seem to have a problem outputing Atmos from the Aura but those like me with Atmos capable suround amp do have problems.
    Two emails to Humax support have not been answered which does not give a good customer support rating. They have not even sent the usaul auto acknowledgement email most company support send giving you a case number.

    | Mon 11 Jul 2022 10:22:16 #18 |
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    I think he meant MS12 Transcoding, to get full 7.1 sound this must be turned off.

    Settings> Video and Audio> Audio Output Options> Dolby Advanced Settings
    and select MS12 Transcoding Off.

    If this is greyed out go to Audio Output and select Custom.
    When you go back to Dolby Advanced Options you should now be able to
    select MS12 Transcoding Off.
    After selecting press the Return button on the remote ( the loop back arrow)
    The Aura will now ask if you want to accept the settings and then will reboot.

    When the Aura has restarted go back to Settings> Video and Audio Output Options> Audio Output
    and select Home Cinema via HDMI {Aura - Audio Equipment - TV} (up to 7.1 ch)
    press the Return button and the Aura will ask if you ant to save the change press Yess, the Aura will reboot.

    See if that makes any difference.

    | Mon 11 Jul 2022 11:15:27 #19 |
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    VitaminD thanks for the clarification that makes more sense but I have already tried your suggestions. One thing I have notice is the Aura does not always reboot after changing sound settings, also I have had other problems which indicate that I have a faulty device and I have contacted the retailer and requested a replacement, fingers crossed that one will work.

    | Mon 11 Jul 2022 11:56:02 #20 |

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