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No Dolby Atmos via Aura apps

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    I have a Samsung Qled 60a conected to a Sony 1080 amp via HDMI ARC, also connected to the amp by HDMI I have the Aura and a Panasonic UHD blueray player. Using the Amazon Prime and Disney+ apps on the TV and Blueray player I get Dolby Atmos but no amount of playing around with the sound settings on the Aura and I have tried everything can I get Atmos working, including Custom setting and I have turn Ms12 off but the best I can get is Dolby Digital+. I have read that the Disney+ app is not supported by Disney on the Humax and may be a reason the app does not output Atmos. But even Amazon Prime does not give Atmos, and yes I know only certain content gives you Atmos. Like I have said above I can get Atmos from my other devices subject to the right content. I purchaced the Aura in order to simpify the set up for my family so verything can be accessed from one sourse. Any help will be appreciated. I have sent a email to Humax support but I doubt I will be getting any help soon.

    | Tue 5 Jul 2022 18:54:44 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I am not an expert on amps but have you considered using the SPDIF Optical Audio port to connect the Aura to the amp?

    | Wed 6 Jul 2022 9:38:01 #2 |
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    Atmos isn't possible via SPDIF.

    | Wed 6 Jul 2022 11:00:26 #3 |
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    Thanks for the replies but yes Atmos is only available via HDMI. I have been into Hi FI and now suround sound for many years so I am not a novice. But I have noticed that support for Atmos is patchy. Both Hardware and apps can give problems and it does not help when Manifactures do not keep their firmware updated. I had a old Humax Freesat box that had not been supported for years thats why I got the Aura hoping that these would have better support but reading some of the forums it seems it has known issues that have still to be fixed. It seems to me they need to get better software writers. It would help if these had better Manuals detailing what all the setting are, instead of the basic setup one. However in my opinion any device should be simple to set up and it should work.

    | Thu 7 Jul 2022 0:02:10 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Bees67 - 10 hours ago  » 
    It seems to me they need to get better software writers.

    My view is that the problem is not with the software developers but with the amount of development time Humax are prepared to allocate for a particular box.

    | Thu 7 Jul 2022 10:16:51 #5 |
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    To some extent I agree but having worked for a big energy provider and having seen first hand that the management continued to always award their I.T contracts to the cheapest provider even though past experience showed this was a mistake shows they are more concerned in costs that qaulity. It is true that the amount of support for any product is always limited and that is not just Humax, Sony, Samsung and LG and the rest rarely support a model more than 2 years regardless if there is still on going problems that still need rectifying, the worse thing and happens all the time is when these companies refuse to except there is a problem even when the many Forums online are reporting faults with their products. If you build a product that is stated to support Atmost then it should work and they should contact content providers like Amazon prime and Disney+ to get their product put on their supported products. I am still waiting for a reply to my email to Humax support about this problem but I doubt I will receive one which shows the level of customer support they give.

    | Thu 7 Jul 2022 14:05:58 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Bees67 - 19 mins ago  » 
    It is true that the amount of support for any product is always limited and that is not just Humax, Sony, Samsung and LG and the rest rarely support a model more than 2 years regardless if there is still on going problems that still need rectifying,

    There have been a recent example of Humax providing a new software release for an 11 year old product but I agree that the Aura has issues many of which would not be difficult to fix.

    | Thu 7 Jul 2022 14:28:22 #7 |
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    I have to admit I am surprised to hear they sent a update for a 11 year old product, I have been using Humax Freesat boxes for many years and not had experience of a update for any of my old boxes after getting the usual updates over the first couple of years.
    Was it a update to improve the system or just a security patch. The Aura dors have a few issues besides the Atmos support, and you are right it would not take much to fix them. The Aura has a lot of potensial to be a really good product. Thanks for your imput it is appreciated.

    | Thu 7 Jul 2022 21:16:07 #8 |
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    As far as I know, the only app that will give Atmos output on the aura is Amazon video. Do bear in mind that Amazon has a limited selection of Atmos enabled content. For example, the expanse season six (Amazon original) and reacher (Amazon original) and the wheel of time (Amazon original)

    You could try playing back some of the suggested content above one using the aura with HDMI ARC

    | Fri 8 Jul 2022 12:55:17 #9 |
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    Thanks for your reply, I know Disney+ app is not supported by Disney on the Aura so does not have Atmos anabled content but if Humax was to get the Aura registered as a supported device this would be easily fixed, as for Amazon I know which limited content has Atmos enabled and I have tried them and can only get Dolby+ which is not Atmos. Both apps on my Samsung TV give full Atmos but when when I try the same content through the Aura I get only Dolbe+ which proves that the problem is the Aura and I have tried every combination of sound settings on the Aura nothing works it's in need of a firmware update to give full support for Atmos and also get the device registered with disney. I have also tried the work around as you have suggested with swapping HDMI connections nothing works. You need bitstream or raw output from the Aura to the amp via Arc or direct Hdmi to anable Atmos to work there does not seem to be such a setting in the Aura, even using custom settings. I have disabled Ms12 which in theory should give the right output but so far does not seem too. There should be a proper sound settings on the Aura for Atmos, hopefully this will happen with a future update if and when they decide to send one.

    | Fri 8 Jul 2022 13:45:40 #10 |

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