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No Dolby Atmos via Aura apps

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    Have you tried downloading any test files onto the Aura and playing them?
    If they play correctly then it's reasonable to assume that your amp/settings are correct but the apps aren't outputting Atmos correctly.

    | Mon 11 Jul 2022 12:35:00 #21 |
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    Have you also had a look at the Surround Sound settings under Audio Output Options, it should be set to Auto.
    If not and it is greyed out you would need to temporarily switch to Custom, reboot
    open Surround Sound settings and switch it to Auto.
    Then reset the Audio back to the Home Cinema via HDMI ..... 7.1 and reboot.

    As you are having other problems (what are they) have you checked to see if your Aura is on the latest software
    from Aug 2021.
    When launched the Aura was a very flawed device, Humax did keep making software updates including the last
    major one released about Aug last year this sorted out most peoples issues.
    Although as you can read here people are still experiencing issues but for almost a year silence seems to be the code from Humax.

    | Mon 11 Jul 2022 12:45:50 #22 |
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    The software update is the latest and settings are okay I will try the atmos test files from dolby and see if they give me Atmos if they do then its the apps if not it is the Aura for shure. The other promblems I have had is when fast forwarding recordings and apps programs it just freezes and the only way to resolve the problem is to return leave what ever I was watching then return also I had a blackscreen after returning from streaming content and going back to normal Freeview channels I still had sound, the only way to get it back to normal was to switch off at the supply. I have fibre internet and the Aura is connect direct to the modem using cat7 ethernet cable so no buffering problems. As for Humax support it is a joke two emails and nor response.

    | Mon 11 Jul 2022 16:32:46 #23 |
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    SSThing thanks for your help, I have downloaded the files from Dolby and played a file with Dolby TrueHD 7.1 Atmos after saving to a USB drive using the VLC media player with the passthrough enabled in the VLC app and I finally got Atmos!!! Strangely some of the other true Atmos files I downloaded did not give a Atmos output on the Aura so it seems it has to be the right type of Atmos output. I cannot find a setting in Amazon prime or Disney plus that allows the user to set the sound to passthrough. It seems the Aura needs an update to support more Atmos file types also the apps need better support. I know Disney Plus does not support Atmos on the Aura because it not one of their supported devices. Also I have read that the app support on Andriod 9 is limited, the Aura needs updating to Android 11.

    | Mon 11 Jul 2022 17:30:44 #24 |
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    A long shot I know (but just been reading some Q&A's on an Amazon forum) and one of the Tech replies indicated that when playing a programme listed as Dolby Atmos, it sometimes takes a couple of minutes for the stream to switch to Atmos. I guess the app is double checking that you have the right subscription level before switching?
    Have a try playing for a few minutes and see what happens.

    | Mon 11 Jul 2022 19:08:24 #25 |
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    Thanks for everone who has tried to help, I have now download some test dolby atmos files from the dolby site and loaded them on to a usb drive and played them on the Aura using the VLC app with passthrough on the app enabled and I finally got atmos working on some of the files, it seems it has to be the right type of atmos format as some of the files did not give atmos when played. So it seems the Aura only supports certain atmos file formats and if the apps like Amazon prime do not transmit the right type then you do not get atmos only dolby+. Seeing Disney plus does not support the Aura in their supported devices I guess Humax has to register their devices and maybe has to obtain a licences to get full support. My samsung QLED TV has Disney plus and I get atmos on most of their content but it is a supported device. It seems to me Humax needs to up their game and get a update out to rectify this and the other problems with the Aura.

    | Tue 12 Jul 2022 11:09:13 #26 |

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