My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

No sound Humax HDR-1800T

(34 posts)
  1. Barry


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    The latest version has not been broadcast OTA.

    Instead of tapping, press and hold the channel down button on the front of the unit then apply power to it - FAQ on how to update software.

    | Sun 8 Apr 2018 7:49:30 #21 |
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    Eureka!!! I've successfully updated. The problem was due to me downloading the update again as I thought the initial download may be dodgy. This of course resulted in a (1) appearing in the title of the update which I copied to the USB stick. I assume the Humax couldn't recognise the update.
    Whether or not this update will rectify my intermittent apparent failure of disk starting up is now a matter of time.
    Thanks for input Barry.

    | Sun 8 Apr 2018 8:18:38 #22 |
  3. Barry


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    Good news.

    Please do update us on your experience.

    | Sun 8 Apr 2018 9:21:40 #23 |
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    One thing about this update worries me. I had tried to check if there were any outstanding updates previously using the Menu. Nothing appeared and looking at the 'System' the current revision at the time was issued in August which must have happened OTA. The only way I got to know about a later rev was as a result of logging details of this latest problem. Am I to understand that Humax no longer distribute updates OTA? If so how are users expected to know if their system is out of date if the menu driven check doesn't reveal anything?
    I have a friend with a Youview box who had problems some time ago with updates which I believe were downloaded using his ethernet connection. He is still getting the occasional 'funny', might his software be out of date? Would the menu driven check reveal this?

    | Wed 11 Apr 2018 6:12:01 #24 |
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    jacklx - 1 hour ago  » Am I to understand that Humax no longer distribute updates OTA?

    The last company to broadcast OTA was Humax at the end of February.

    From 30th April this year no more companies will be updating using the DTG Testing's OTA freeview/DTT update channel as it is fully closing at the end of this month. (See the current notice on
    Humax may well be the last terrestrial manufacturer to ever use OTA for updates.

    Going forward, for new boxes, there will be made available the ability fo manufacturers to broadcast on screen messages via the aerial that an update is available. This is part of the current freeview play specification. It won't apply to legacy boxes and I'm not sure if it would apply to the early freeview play boxes brought out under the interim freeview play specification.
    In theory it should be possible to update older boxes to be able to receive the update message but of course to put that on older boxes the manufacturer would need to be motivated to update the software and the owner would need to somehow get their box updated. A bit of a chicken and egg situation.

    | Wed 11 Apr 2018 7:57:40 #25 |
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    I now understand that Humax updates will no longer be sent OTA, also, it seems that using the menu option to see if there are outstanding updates it fails to work.
    In view of this how does a Humax user know if his/her device is up to date?
    Are updates distributed using the internet? If so what happens when an owner has no internet connection to the Humax device?
    Recently I was made aware that my HDR 1100-T was out of date and I was directed to a page on the Humax website which enabled me to download and install the update using a USB stick. This works well and prompts me to ask if it would be possible to provide a webpage listing ALL Humax models along with the current revision of software plus a link to enable one to download the latest available revision. Provided owners are made aware that this page exists update distribution would be less of a problem provided all users have the means of viewing the Humax website and loading a USB stick.
    I tried the suggested link above, seems like it's closed already.

    | Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:15:22 #26 |
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    jacklx - 49 minutes ago  » 
    Recently I was made aware that my HDR 1100-T was out of date and I was directed to a page on the Humax website which enabled me to download and install the update using a USB stick. This works well and prompts me to ask if it would be possible to provide a webpage listing ALL Humax models along with the current revision of software plus a link to enable one to download the latest available revision.

    For any currently supported models Humax Support already have an interactive page where you enter your model and can then access not just the software but other associated downloads as well.

    An issue with a long list is that people don't always pick the right one for their model. With the Humax Support site it forces the owner to click on a picture of their model.
    And then when you click on the picture the download page for the model repeats the picture again.
    E.g. for the HDR-1800T

    jacklx - 49 minutes ago  » I tried the suggested link above, seems like it's closed already.

    Looks like my normal method of inserting links didn't work on that occasion.
    Try this one

    | Wed 11 Apr 2018 17:27:36 #27 |
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    Thanks for the info Luke. I've now bookmarked the page notifying updates and will look at it on a monthly basis. I thought it had been created just as a one off for this latest update.
    The other link works, I remember seeing this forecast of OTA years ago but it seemed to disappear when the list of Freeview programmes and their associated muxes was amalgamated with the website showing details of TV transmitters.

    | Thu 12 Apr 2018 6:26:46 #28 |
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    My humax 1800t has just experienced this no sound after recording and trying to view another channel. Very frustrating. Try explaining to your partner oh it’s never done it before.... so downloaded the fix and installed it just now despite not seeing anything on the screen, but the settings confirmed the update was installed, hopefully this no sound issue will now be solved. Anyone notice that there are no zip files to extract as it is already in the correct file?
    I am running the humax through a newish hitachi tv and using loop through with a gold lead hopefully to improve signal. There are issues with changing from tv to humax as it cuts the aerial signal off and there is a delay for the humax to receive the aerial. I am going to try a three way splitter as that may help with the signal loss.

    | Sat 21 Jul 2018 9:00:21 #29 |
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    I'd be reluctant to introduce a splitter as these introduce a loss of 3dB (I think). You can check signal strength referring to page 40 of the user manual. Perhaps a mains powered signal booster might be a worthwhile investment. I use a splitter and a signal booster which enables me to have two co-ax connections, one to TV the other to the Humax which is set to power save in standby. This enables me to watch the TV while Humax is OFF.
    Incidentally in a previous post I inserted a typo, I DO have an 1800T not 1100T. Of course any saving I might make by selecting power save in standby is probably negated by the consumption of the signal booster.
    I still have an intermittent problem with what I conclude is the failure of the disc to start up and I recently discovered that this failure occurred after having a mains shut down when the bloke came to install so-called smart metering. I seem to have discovered a work around when disc appears to be in non-rotate mode; I switch off and then switch on using the button on the front rather than the remote.

    | Sat 21 Jul 2018 10:22:53 #30 |

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