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Noisy hard drive

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    Minstrel SE

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    Binary Dad - 20 hours ago  » 

    I fell the reason they dont say much is they dont want this out in the open and they dont want more returns (they seem to get enough returns already on this unit)

    I agree. I originally contacted Humax support about the noisy HDD and they suggested reformatting it(!). I did and it made no difference of course. So they said they couldn't do anything else to help and suggested I take it up with the retailer. I took it back to Currys, exchanged it and this second unit is the same. I emailed Humax this morning asking what they suggest I do next, and this was their reply:
    If it is as noisy as the first I can only suggest that you once again reach out to the retailer. This is not a known issue to me, hard drive noise is quite an uncommon issue here at the support centre, that's not to say it never happens of course.

    I cannot believe that this is "not a known issue" - especially when in the same sentence he admits that they have seen this at the support centre. Clearly Humax have no interest in resolving this, and prefer to leave customers to take pot luck with more retailer exchanges.

    Im with you Binary Dad. You are not alone although it just appears to be the two of us at the moment

    Unfortunately it seems we will both end up in the nut house with people pointing at us before this gets resolved to our satisfaction

    You see the answers arent helpful and are indeed dismissive. I dont want to reach out to a retailer who are in effect a happy box shop. Currys arent going to be any more interested than Humax in resolving the issue...they dont want me opening all their sealed stock to eventually find a quiet one. It costs them money every time, an opened unit becomes a S/H return and the margins are slim on these units. I dont even really know if a quiet one exists in Currys stockroom.

    Im almost at the stage of thinking stuff it and invalidating the guarantee so I can line it with soundproofing sheets and check the hard drive has standard mounting points so it can be exchanged by me. I may fit my own to prove my point

    Theres a point where Im not going to let £148 drive me mad. Either I have some control or I dont. Im not being told to take a lucky dip at Currys...its just not happening because it sets me up for a fall and weakens my case. I can just see me put down as a problem customer..."oh hes had two and nothing satisfies him" sort of thing

    Ive emailed Humax again but the first response a while ago was so vague...along the lines of our unit isnt noisy in the advice on what noise it should be making or support on testing it and clarifying the situation. No clarification or apologetic tone. I dont know whether its a normal operating noise or whether the hard drive is substandard.

    As far as Im concerned nothing on a tv shelf should make that level of hard drive noise

    | Sat 10 Dec 2016 17:05:41 #21 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Minstrel SE - 13 minutes ago  » 
    Im almost at the stage of thinking stuff it and invalidating the guarantee so I can line it with soundproofing sheets and check the hard drive has standard mounting points so it can be exchanged by me.

    It has been reported that a little warming with a hair dryer will enable the warranty sticker to be opened without damage.

    | Sat 10 Dec 2016 17:21:17 #22 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Martin Liddle - 14 minutes ago  » 

    Minstrel SE - 13 minutes ago  » 
    Im almost at the stage of thinking stuff it and invalidating the guarantee so I can line it with soundproofing sheets and check the hard drive has standard mounting points so it can be exchanged by me.

    It has been reported that a little warming with a hair dryer will enable the warranty sticker to be opened without damage.

    well yeah but I am at the stage where Im rapidly past caring. I may well open it for my own knowledge. Im technically competent and Im not going to break it or get static charge on the boards or anything.

    The plan eventually is that I will research what hard drive could go in there

    I will certainly line the inner casing with the soundproofing sheets for computers.

    Leave it with reply from Humax yet but I fear it will be along the lines of what they are saying to Binary Dad

    | Sat 10 Dec 2016 17:41:26 #23 |
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    Bought an HDR-2000T on Monday and noticed no problems apart from the volume control not working when watching an HD channel - though I could control the volume with my TV remote.

    However, yesterday evening whist watching one channel and recording another, I noticed the chugging noise (though I'd describe it as gurgling}.

    Today I returned the unit to Currys for an exchange (and was given a £12 refund, as the price had gone down!). Just tried the new 2000T and it still makes the noise but not as loudly, i.e. can only hear it if I mute the sound or put my ear close to the box. Hopefully, that's problem solved.

    | Thu 15 Dec 2016 11:58:29 #24 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    ianhobsonuk - 2 hours ago  » 
    Bought an HDR-2000T on Monday and noticed no problems apart from the volume control not working when watching an HD channel - though I could control the volume with my TV remote.

    Well known issue; if it bothers you change the audio output type to "Stereo"; Menu button>Settings>preferences>Audio

    | Thu 15 Dec 2016 14:49:24 #25 |
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    ianhobsonuk - 4 hours ago  » 
    Bought an HDR-2000T on Monday and noticed no problems apart from the volume control not working when watching an HD channel - though I could control the volume with my TV remote.
    However, yesterday evening whist watching one channel and recording another, I noticed the chugging noise (though I'd describe it as gurgling}.
    Today I returned the unit to Currys for an exchange (and was given a £12 refund, as the price had gone down!). Just tried the new 2000T and it still makes the noise but not as loudly, i.e. can only hear it if I mute the sound or put my ear close to the box. Hopefully, that's problem solved.

    That pretty well describes what I can hear from our 2000T. I would suggest if it's noisy to the point where you are opening the box in order to line it with soundproofing then there is something seriously wrong with the HDD and the unit should be returned.

    | Thu 15 Dec 2016 16:35:25 #26 |
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    Martin Liddle - 4 hours ago  » 

    ianhobsonuk - 2 hours ago  » 
    Bought an HDR-2000T on Monday and noticed no problems apart from the volume control not working when watching an HD channel - though I could control the volume with my TV remote.

    Well known issue; if it bothers you change the audio output type to "Stereo"; Menu button>Settings>preferences>Audio

    Thanks, Martin. The switch to stereo solved the volume control problem.

    | Thu 15 Dec 2016 19:47:57 #27 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    So can you can not hear it from your seating position then?

    I reckon my box is faulty but at the same time do feel that the 2000T is noiser than it should be and most people are putting up with it. Ive kept it so far because what else is there at this price level? The Panasonic gets its own criticism for clunky UI etc

    A couple of people have said that a Humax replacement from Currys is just as noisy.

    Leave it with me. I will sort it one way or another. I wont moan on about it again and will get on with resolving the issue

    | Fri 16 Dec 2016 1:07:15 #28 |
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    Minstrel SE - 8 hours ago  » 
    So can you can not hear it from your seating position then?
    I reckon my box is faulty but at the same time do feel that the 2000T is noiser than it should be and most people are putting up with it. Ive kept it so far because what else is there at this price level? The Panasonic gets its own criticism for clunky UI etc
    A couple of people have said that a Humax replacement from Currys is just as noisy.
    Leave it with me. I will sort it one way or another. I wont moan on about it again and will get on with resolving the issue

    Having used the machine for a few hours now, I've realised that it is as noisy as the first machine (though it may depend on what is being recorded) and I can here it from where I sit, especially when watching talk programs which have no background music. My wife's hearing is not as god as mine and she can only hear the noise if I mute the sound.

    HOWEVER, I've discovered that if I record the channel I'm watching (as well as the one I want to record) and deleted it later, the noise is reduced to almost nothing.

    As my machine is housed in a wooden box/shelf unit beneath the TV, I may fit a glass door/flap, as the remote still works through glass and, having just experimented with some glass out of a large picture frame, I expect that this will reduce the noise by at least 50%. Some sound-proofing in the shelf unit might help as well - though I wouldn't know what material to buy.

    | Fri 16 Dec 2016 10:15:37 #29 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Look folks

    The Reply from Humax is entirely about resetting the machine to factory presets which I know wont work and Binary dad has told you doesnt work.

    With reference to the above Ive tried every combination of what the hard drive can do but it just goes from noisy to a more regular crazy noisy. Infact its often more noisy when its supposed to be idling on one channel watching

    I asked them specific questions and its another reply where they are washing their hands of it. Im being treated like somebody who wouldnt know this box from a toaster or thats the way I feel. Its pathetic really and I wont be buying another Humax product

    So I would have keep approaching Currys for pot luck then. I dont for one minute believe this in an issue of only a few faulty boxes. I feel some of you may cotton on how noisy it actually is after a honeymoon period of getting in to it. Im not talking about forum members here but I can see that many wouldnt return it even with this noise as they may be a busy family with kids and the Tv just gets turned up.

    So Ive got a choice of going back to a shop I dont like or trying to sort it myself. I wont moan on again on another forum thread though because I now have two options or I may just try for a refund. Each to their own . Its been a bad buying experience and stressful for me. I do have another option of chucking it in the skip. I dont think I could even sell it without people complaining..... Enough said

    | Fri 16 Dec 2016 22:40:40 #30 |

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