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Noisy HDD on Humax FVP 5000T

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    Hi Icebun. I've the same model. And yes, this is normal.
    I think you'll find that all recorders do.
    My previous recorder was a Panasonic, which made the same whirling noise .
    Once it's booted up, the dard drive should quieten down.

    | Wed 7 Feb 2018 9:12:23 #11 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Mine is the same, it's the only time you can hear the drive at the distance I sit from it. When you hear the sound the picture and audio comes on a few seconds later.

    | Wed 7 Feb 2018 10:08:54 #12 |
  3. andysue


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    Pangolynx - 2 weeks ago  » 
    I have recently purchased a Humax FVP 5000T Feeview Box. I am generally happy with its performance and function, however it is surprisingly noisy. It emits a whirring sound much of the time and the occasional tickety tick tick sound, which sounds like the hard drive is working overtime. This has caused us to position the box on the carpeted floor to try to dampen the noise. I am considering returning the box for a refund or replacement. Is this normal? or have we got a faulty device? Any advice appreciated.

    Just wondering if you took it back & if so is the new one ok? I took mine back but havnt replaced it yet for the same reason.

    | Wed 21 Feb 2018 8:45:24 #13 |
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    Joined forum specifically to comment on this issue. New FVP5000T owner and having had several Humax (And other) PVR’s over the years for me they have hit the sweet spot in terms of functionality and performance I couldn’t be happier. However there is an issue and I’m afraid it’s a deal breaker for me. The VERY noisy HDD. I’m not talking about whirring or mild background noise or boot whir while the disk spins up, I’m talking about loud and persistent chattering that the hard drive makes whenever you are watching TV through the box or whenever it is recording. Now I will admit this is intermittent and sometimes it is louder than others but it is always there to some degree. (Situated 12 feet from me in bedroom so creating a real issue)

    I have read other forum pages where people say theirs is silent to other people complaining about noise and Richer sounds replaced my first box with no issue saying it must be a faulty unit. However the second box if anything is worse than the first. This is becoming a real issue for me and if I can’t get a resolution will need to return for refund….love the box but just can’t stand the noise it makes, even with TV on and sound turned up its intrusive, let alone in middle of night while trying to sleep. None of my other boxes (Virgin V6, Tivo, Panasonic or Prior Humax) have ever made such loud operation noise and its constant HDD chatter.

    Does anyone have any suggestions please, loathe to try a 3rd unit and refuse to believe I got two Friday afternoon machines on the trot. (PS Unit on open shelf with no shielding, putting on soft feet or lifting unit makes no difference to noise emitted)


    | Thu 1 Mar 2018 11:48:50 #1 |
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    Ive had 2 machines now and both very noisy with constant chatter when watching live TV or recording. Tried noise isolation feet but no difference. 12 Feet away from me in bedroom and will need to get refund soon as driving me up the wall. Love the machine - really hate the noise! HDD's should NOT be this noisy.

    | Thu 1 Mar 2018 11:51:48 #14 |
  6. andysue


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    GCDBONES123 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Ive had 2 machines now and both very noisy with constant chatter when watching live TV or recording. Tried noise isolation feet but no difference. 12 Feet away from me in bedroom and will need to get refund soon as driving me up the wall. Love the machine - really hate the noise! HDD's should NOT be this noisy.

    Out of interest were these 500gb machines?

    | Thu 1 Mar 2018 14:07:43 #16 |
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    Yes both 500GB. Did ask if the 1TB were better but Richer Sounds adamant it would make no difference, though they were also adamant the noise issue was due to a duff machine as opposed to design flaw.

    | Thu 1 Mar 2018 15:27:36 #17 |
  8. andysue


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    GCDBONES123 - 13 minutes ago  » 
    Yes both 500GB. Did ask if the 1TB were better but Richer Sounds adamant it would make no difference, though they were also adamant the noise issue was due to a duff machine as opposed to design flaw.

    Hmmm, I like Richer sounds but all the people who said theirs are not noisy appear to have 1tb or more?
    Have a look at my thread
    Save yourself some money too, I havnt heard this hard drive at all.
    £117 from Humax, free delivery & a years guarantee.

    | Thu 1 Mar 2018 15:45:42 #18 |


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    I think the reason for some noisy drives is much more likely to be down to mishandling in shipment of individual units.

    | Thu 1 Mar 2018 15:57:03 #19 |
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    andysue - 1 hour ago  » 

    GCDBONES123 - 13 minutes ago  » 
    Yes both 500GB. Did ask if the 1TB were better but Richer Sounds adamant it would make no difference, though they were also adamant the noise issue was due to a duff machine as opposed to design flaw.

    Hmmm, I like Richer sounds but all the people who said theirs are not noisy appear to have 1tb or more?
    Have a look at my thread
    Save yourself some money too, I havnt heard this hard drive at all.
    £117 from Humax, free delivery & a years guarantee.

    Thanks, will have a look but reading review earlier from someone with 1tb who was saying it was very noisy. Have dropped email to Humax, if they dont come back with something tangeable will have to return. Love the 5000 but just cant live with that noise.

    | Thu 1 Mar 2018 16:55:41 #20 |

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