My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S


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    Well the 9200T is hardly all their boxes.

    Obviously a reset is a good idea if anyone's experiencing problems, but Humax don't advise doing one after an update for the 1000s. 

    No mention of doing a factory reset with the last Beta instructions.

    Or any of the updates I've installed on the Foxsat HDR. 

    If Humax thought we needed to do a reset they would surely tell us to do one. 

    I've actually done two resets since the update and I reformatted my HD and I've still got problems, but possibly they are EPG related. 

    | Sun 24 Mar 2013 13:17:14 #21 |
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    Hi Souporjuice, re: your point above "They need to come up with a better solution if this is going to be required for every software update. " I have mentioned a few times that a save schedule to USB needs introducing as the way forward with this, it should take seconds and would be useful should a box replacement become necessary - Humax, how about it ?

    | Sun 24 Mar 2013 18:46:45 #22 |
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    As a factory reset doesn't delete recordings why should it delete planned recordings ?.
    Surely recordings and planned recordings are just entries in an index file ?

    | Mon 25 Mar 2013 12:59:35 #23 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    dec - 2 minutes ago  » 
    As a factory reset doesn't delete recordings why should it delete planned recordings ?.
    Surely recordings and planned recordings are just entries in an index file ?

    Because during a reset you can change your channel line up by simply using a different postcode. A reset to factory defaults resets all user data to the as delivered condition. retaining these may preserve corrupted data files which are causing problems anyway. It doesn't affect the video recording partition containing the actual recording files. The list of recordings is generated when you display the recordings so provided the files are there the list will be re-created.

    | Mon 25 Mar 2013 13:06:44 #24 |
  5. gomezz


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    Presumably it can rebuild the recordings index from the underlying disk filing system.

    | Mon 25 Mar 2013 13:07:13 #25 |
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    Suppose that makes some kind of sense although any kind of database should be protected against corruption. Still a pita though if you've lots of recordings in the planner and some are on a break.
    Fortunately its no longer my problem so will stop posting here now.

    | Tue 26 Mar 2013 13:11:36 #26 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    dec - 8 minutes ago  » 
    Suppose that makes some kind of sense although any kind of database should be protected against corruption. Still a pita though if you've lots of recordings in the planner and some are on a break.
    Fortunately its no longer my problem so will stop posting here now.

    Any recordings on your planner on a significant break are unlikely to work again, the broadcaster will normally use new crids. After 13 weeks without being used they get auto deleted anyway.

    | Tue 26 Mar 2013 13:21:56 #27 |

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