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Problem recognising Samsung D3 3TB Hard Drive

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    I can’t get this unit to recognise my external 3tb hard drive. It is a Samsung D3 and connects with a usb 3 lead that is also backwards compatible to usb 2. The HB-1000S does not see a drive connected and there are no options in the Storage settings to format or do anything.

    The drive came formatted as ntfs. I have also tried to reformat to ntfs and exFAT on my pc but still the Humax does not recognise it. Both usb ports on the HB-1000s have been tried. When connected the drive spins up but the Humax settings menu never acknowledges a drive is connected.

    Does anyone here know why this is?

    | Fri 6 Dec 2013 22:17:19 #1 |
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    Last year I ordeered a 3tb drive and then before it was delivered started to notice threads similar to the one in this link

    I presume that your HB-1000s will have the same limit, and that ext3 would be the appropriate format.
    Even with ext3 there may be some difficulty. Have a look at this thread for the HDR-FOX T2. (I can't find any threads about 3tb external and your unit on here or on

    | Sat 7 Dec 2013 9:17:01 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    But in this thread Barry reports using a 3TB drive with a HD-1000S so not sure what Humax boxes will support 3TB drives.

    | Sat 7 Dec 2013 10:52:38 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    I have been using a 3TB WD Elements HDD since Oct see: Link - soon to be disconnected to test other stuff.

    Currently reported as 42% space used, and no problems encountered.

    Go to System settings, highlight storage, is anything listed?

    | Sat 7 Dec 2013 10:53:51 #4 |
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    No the problem is that System Setting>Storage never displays any options. It just says to connect a drive as if it cannot see one connected.

    The drive has been tested connected to a usb 2 port on my pc and it is recognised no problem. It has also now been formatted to ext3 on my pc and tested with no success.

    As neither ntfs, exFAT or ext3 formats will be recognised it makes me think that it is a hardware rather than formatting issue. Maybe it doesn't like the usb3/usb2 combo lead? A standard usb2 lead will not fit the drive.

    I will have to test with a lower capacity usb2 external hard drive.

    | Sat 7 Dec 2013 11:37:59 #5 |
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    After a fair amount of testing with different drives and enclosures I have got a 1TB USB2 drive installed that is NTFS formatted. A 500GB drive also worked. So far, in my case, it looks like disk size is the only variable that makes a difference. A 2TB drive failed to be recognised. This is using the same drive enclosure with USB2 and NTFS.

    Now the 1TB is installed it is crunching away at some activity. I hope this is just an initial bout of housekeeping routines as it is too noisy to live with beyond a few hours.

    | Sat 7 Dec 2013 18:52:05 #6 |


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    rotekz - 50 minutes ago  » 
    After a fair amount of testing with different drives and enclosures I have got a 1TB USB2 drive installed that is NTFS formatted. A 500GB drive also worked. So far, in my case, it looks like disk size is the only variable that makes a difference. A 2TB drive failed to be recognised. This is using the same drive enclosure with USB2 and NTFS.
    Now the 1TB is installed it is crunching away at some activity. I hope this is just an initial bout of housekeeping routines as it is too noisy to live with beyond a few hours.

    Many have 2tb's drives running in HDR-1000s's - I would not expect any problems in the HB-1000S which Barry confirms - I would guess it is the formatting that is the problem.
    Some SATA drives might need a shorting pin to downgrade the SATA speed.

    | Sat 7 Dec 2013 19:46:13 #7 |
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    REPASSAC - 1 minute ago  » 

    rotekz - 50 minutes ago  » 
    After a fair amount of testing with different drives and enclosures I have got a 1TB USB2 drive installed that is NTFS formatted. A 500GB drive also worked. So far, in my case, it looks like disk size is the only variable that makes a difference. A 2TB drive failed to be recognised. This is using the same drive enclosure with USB2 and NTFS.
    Now the 1TB is installed it is crunching away at some activity. I hope this is just an initial bout of housekeeping routines as it is too noisy to live with beyond a few hours.

    Many have 2tb's drives running in HDR-1000s's - I would not expect any problems in the HB-1000S which Barry confirms - I would guess it is the formatting that is the problem.
    Some SATA drives might need a shorting pin to downgrade the SATA speed.

    I'm using the same USB2 drive enclosure with the same NTFS formatting on the HD within in all cases. The only difference is the size of the HD within. How can it be down to the reasons you say? It doesn't make sense to me.

    | Sat 7 Dec 2013 19:50:12 #8 |


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    rotekz - 1 hour ago  » 

    REPASSAC - 1 minute ago  » 

    rotekz - 50 minutes ago  » 
    After a fair amount of testing with different drives and enclosures I have got a 1TB USB2 drive installed that is NTFS formatted. A 500GB drive also worked. So far, in my case, it looks like disk size is the only variable that makes a difference. A 2TB drive failed to be recognised. This is using the same drive enclosure with USB2 and NTFS.
    Now the 1TB is installed it is crunching away at some activity. I hope this is just an initial bout of housekeeping routines as it is too noisy to live with beyond a few hours.

    Many have 2tb's drives running in HDR-1000s's - I would not expect any problems in the HB-1000S which Barry confirms - I would guess it is the formatting that is the problem.
    Some SATA drives might need a shorting pin to downgrade the SATA speed.

    I'm using the same USB2 drive enclosure with the same NTFS formatting on the HD within in all cases. The only difference is the size of the HD within. How can it be down to the reasons you say? It doesn't make sense to me.

    The speed that the SATA drives can cope with can be down to TWO Pins connected to the drive. That your PC may understand it isnot relevant.

    | Sat 7 Dec 2013 21:13:00 #9 |


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    REPASSAC - 14 seconds ago  » 

    rotekz - 1 hour ago  » 

    REPASSAC - 1 minute ago  » 

    rotekz - 50 minutes ago  » 
    After a fair amount of testing with different drives and enclosures I have got a 1TB USB2 drive installed that is NTFS formatted. A 500GB drive also worked. So far, in my case, it looks like disk size is the only variable that makes a difference. A 2TB drive failed to be recognised. This is using the same drive enclosure with USB2 and NTFS.
    Now the 1TB is installed it is crunching away at some activity. I hope this is just an initial bout of housekeeping routines as it is too noisy to live with beyond a few hours.

    Many have 2tb's drives running in HDR-1000s's - I would not expect any problems in the HB-1000S which Barry confirms - I would guess it is the formatting that is the problem.
    Some SATA drives might need a shorting pin to downgrade the SATA speed.

    I'm using the same USB2 drive enclosure with the same NTFS formatting on the HD within in all cases. The only difference is the size of the HD within. How can it be down to the reasons you say? It doesn't make sense to me.

    The speed that the SATA drives can cope with can be down to TWO Pins connected to the rear of the drive. That your PC may understand it is not relevant.

    | Sat 7 Dec 2013 21:13:57 #10 |

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