My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S

Programming remote?

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    Please can someone help, I’ve just got a replacement Humax, a HDR1000s, I have no instructions for it, unfortunately. I could programme the old remote to also operate the TV, so I am assuming I can this one. Looking on the web I can only find instructions for a similar but different remote, with buttons that light up. My new one has on the top line mute tv/av & power button, but no lights.

    | Tue 3 Jan 2023 13:35:03 #1 |
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    Hi cobbler,

    Welcome to the forum. Instructions for the Humax 1100S:

    You need to change the Remote Mode setting. It is probably set on a different number. To change setting, press ZERO & OK at the same time on the remote. You will then see a display on your tv screen giving you option of mode 1-6. You may have to keep trying this until you get the menu. Hope this helps you/Do let the forum know how you get on. John L

    | Tue 3 Jan 2023 14:54:44 #2 |
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    Hi JDL, I found the Argos site, but the instructions won’t open or download. I have tried to press zero & ok at the same time, but this does nothing. I did this on the Home Screen, is this correct? Also all the instructions I can find show a slightly different remote.

    | Tue 3 Jan 2023 15:18:45 #3 |
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    cobbler - 7 mins ago  » 
    Hi JDL, I found the Argos site, but the instructions won’t open or download. I have tried to press zero & ok at the same time, but this does nothing. I did this on the Home Screen, is this correct? Also all the instructions I can find show a slightly different remote.

    Hi cobbler,

    It takes a bit of practice with the remote. But, come out of all menus. While on live tv screen, press zero & ok at the same time for approx. 5 seconds. It may take several attempts.

    With regards instructions, the link works for me. You could try Humax's own website:

    John L

    | Tue 3 Jan 2023 15:30:07 #4 |
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    Hi JDL, sorry to be a pain, but yes I can change the mode, but no idea what this does or how I can interact with the TV. The only instructions I can find are are for the other remote & are not relevant. I’ve got a list of remote tv codes, I think mine is 006, but can’t input them.

    | Tue 3 Jan 2023 15:50:06 #5 |
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    Hi Cobbler,

    The remote mode 1-6 simply allows you to change your remote to another humax mode. For example if you have another humax pvr in same room using same remote code (no1), you can change it to number 2. I have 3 humaxs in same room so need this feature!

    Sorry, I misread your question. If you mean tv settings etc, follow the instructions & it will give you a long list of codes to try for your tv & the Humax. Hopefully you now have the correct instructions downloaded. John L

    | Tue 3 Jan 2023 15:55:45 #6 |
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    Hi John, as I put, the only instructions I can find are for a different remote. I presume the av/tv button allows me to switch between the two, but cannot find out anything about it.

    | Tue 3 Jan 2023 16:07:29 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    cobbler - 2 hours ago  » 
    Please can someone help, I’ve just got a replacement Humax, a HDR1000s, I have no instructions for it, unfortunately. I could programme the old remote to also operate the TV, so I am assuming I can this one.

    Is there a model number on the remote you have? Where did you source the replacement HDR1000S from?

    | Tue 3 Jan 2023 16:34:21 #8 |
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    Martin, I can’t find a number on the remote, I bought the 1000s second hand off Facebook as a replacement for a faulty HDR1100. I know Humax no longer do them & I understand the replacement marketed by Freesat is not as good.

    | Tue 3 Jan 2023 16:43:39 #9 |
  10. brian


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    It sounds like you have the wrong type of remote control. The correct one is shown on page 2 of the manual, which can be found here.

    Here is one place where you can buy the correct type of remote control.

    | Tue 3 Jan 2023 17:53:58 #10 |

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