Could you also suggest to Humax support that when you set a recording for the HD program, a "being recorded in HD" icon is added to the SD programme in the EPG.
As it is, I scan through the EPG, say "that looks good" and set an SD recording only to find later that I have already set the HD version!
Another thing I would like is a more compact listing of recorded programs - say 10 programs, one per line, per screen - that you can scroll through quickly (use the Channel UP/DOWN to scroll by a page as in the 9200T?) instead of the 1 DOWN click for each pair of recordings. The "images" can go ...
And if they could make the text size of the channel names bigger in the EPG I could read them. And if the manual was printed in black, not grey ink; with a font bigger than the tiny 9 point they use, I could read it too!