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Recording/Pause TV Problem

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    HI, I'll do that Repassac, thanks. But what do you mean when you say the 'reformat option is not available'?

    I have told Humax support by email that I didn't want to reformat the hard drive if this isn't the problem (especially as it would mean I would lose all my recrodings).

    Their reply is "Unfortunately, if the recording issues has not been resolved by the factory reset, then formatting the hard drive would be the next step." They refuse to acknowledge that there is a recognised issue (I sent them links to various forums).

    As yet I haven't looked for the phone number

    Thanks J

    | Mon 14 Jan 2019 16:36:40 #11 |


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    As the unit can't see the hard drive - the reformat option will not be available so you can't do that option.

    They ask you to reformat as other problems (loss of buffer functions or corrupted harddisk) can be resolved by a reformat.

    The message you saw in the storage menu makes it clear that the unit can no longer see the hard disk.

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    | Mon 14 Jan 2019 16:48:02 #12 |
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    Oh yes, of course. Thanks for your help.

    | Mon 14 Jan 2019 16:58:09 #13 |
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    Just heard from Humax Support about my HDR-1000S issues : either the HDD or the software are faulty and the box cannot be fixed !! For a £56 charge they are offering an out of warranty exchange with a 6 month guarantee.

    I find the not fixable statement somewhat confusing : if the HDD is at fault surely replacing it with a new drive would effect a fix ? On the other hand, if the software is at fault, then why have all other HDR-1000S out there not failed? Is there bad code in the software that is only triggered by some event or other perhaps? Maybe my box is suffering from both HDD & software issues?

    Before shelling out for replacement parts or an exchange unit I am curious to know if I could test the hard drive (once removed) using my PC and which resistor on the motherboard is to blame for causing the known undetectable hard drive issue.

    Thanks in advance for all advice.

    | Tue 15 Jan 2019 20:33:30 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    johnway - 56 minutes ago  » 
    Just heard from Humax Support about my HDR-1000S issues : either the HDD or the software are faulty and the box cannot be fixed !!

    I suspect the problem is the motherboard.

    For a £56 charge they are offering an out of warranty exchange with a 6 month guarantee.

    Which is cheap compared to the refurbished Freesat boxes from Humax Direct.

    I find the not fixable statement somewhat confusing : if the HDD is at fault surely replacing it with a new drive would effect a fix ?

    True but Humax don't repair boxes they prefer to exchange if within warranty.

    On the other hand, if the software is at fault, then why have all other HDR-1000S out there not failed? Is there bad code in the software that is only triggered by some event or other perhaps? Maybe my box is suffering from both HDD & software issues?

    It isn't a software issue; some Humax support agents are not very clueful.

    Before shelling out for replacement parts or an exchange unit I am curious to know if I could test the hard drive (once removed) using my PC

    Get a USB to SATA adaptor and connect the drive and have a look at the SMART data. If you can read the SMART data and the reallocated sector count is small then the drive is probably OK. You won't be able to look at the content on the drive without additional software.

    and which resistor on the motherboard is to blame for causing the known undetectable hard drive issue.

    I seem to recollect a long time ago somebody posted a picture of a resistor that had obviously got very hot. Have a careful look at the mother board and see if you can spot anything.

    | Tue 15 Jan 2019 21:40:36 #15 |
  6. Trev


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    But it still may not be the one that is got hot, but it is a bit of a clue. But what do you replace it with?

    | Tue 15 Jan 2019 23:44:09 #16 |
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    Thanks for all advice given here : great stuff !!

    An overheated board component should be easy to spot but I will get the trusty multi-meter out and see if any resistors have gone open circuit.
    Replacing a resistor should not be a problem as long as it can be identified. HDR-1000S circuit diagram anyone?

    Interesting video on Youtube with a chap replacing an av drive in an HDR-1000S only to discover that the box would not recognize it. Probably the £56 replacement offer from Humax would be the better option !!

    I have noticed that WD AV drives (supposed to be good) have a 3 year warranty - speaks volumes to me about the life expectancy of PVR's. I have also noticed that for 10% of the cost price, Richer Sounds will give a 6 year guarantee on a Humax box AND if the guarantee is not used, then the premium is refunded - surely a no brainer ?

    | Wed 16 Jan 2019 9:43:01 #17 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    johnway - 1 hour ago  » 
    Replacing a resistor should not be a problem as long as it can be identified. HDR-1000S circuit diagram anyone?

    I don't think you will find a circuit diagram anywhere. If you can see a problem resistor and identify the location then someone with a healthy box may be able to measure the value.

    Probably the £56 replacement offer from Humax would be the better option !!

    It strikes me as a reasonable offer given that you have had several years service from the original box.

    | Wed 16 Jan 2019 11:28:16 #18 |
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    Martin Liddle - 20 minutes ago  » 

    johnway - 1 hour ago  » 
    Replacing a resistor should not be a problem as long as it can be identified. HDR-1000S circuit diagram anyone?

    I don't think you will find a circuit diagram anywhere. If you can see a problem resistor and identify the location then someone with a healthy box may be able to measure the value.

    Probably the £56 replacement offer from Humax would be the better option !!

    It strikes me as a reasonable offer given that you have had several years service from the original box.

    Unfortunately Humax are presently out of stock so the saga and frustration continues.......

    | Wed 16 Jan 2019 11:50:56 #19 |
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    Hi Johnway, did you phone Humax Support or email? How did they come to the decision of offering a replacement? How long had you had the HDR 1000S? I've had mine 5 years.

    I have been talking to a friend who thinks it might be a capacitor, either in the power supply of the main board. I have absolutely no understanding of this but would be interested in comments.


    | Wed 16 Jan 2019 20:44:40 #20 |

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