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Recordings Vanished

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    Did reset and tried again ,no joy.could it be HDD has failed.

    | Tue 21 Feb 2023 19:36:38 #11 |
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    All of my recordings have suddenly disappeared. The drive is showing as empty.
    Total storage 1863.0GB.
    System usage 0.0GB.
    User usage 0.0GB
    Available 1863.0GB.
    I've set it to do a HDD Test. It's been running about an hour with the triangle going round saying "Processing.... This may take several minutes"
    Any ideas?

    | Sun 26 Feb 2023 18:41:16 #12 |
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    It just happened to me. I am used to the "No recordings" message you get when bringing it out of standby which fixes itself in 30 sec or so. I put it doen to the CPU being busy.

    This one was different and neither waiting nor switching it OFF and ON worked. Pressing RECORD on the remote did not start recording the program.

    What fixed it was deleting some recordings to free us space on the disk. I only had about 20 hours HD space and that seemed to be causing the problem. Once I had 40 hours HD space all was well.

    | Fri 19 May 2023 19:37:14 #13 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    JohnH77 - 29 mins ago  » 
    What fixed it was deleting some recordings to free us space on the disk. I only had about 20 hours HD space and that seemed to be causing the problem. Once I had 40 hours HD space all was well.

    If the box was reporting no recordings how did you delete recordings?

    | Fri 19 May 2023 20:07:29 #14 |
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    Good point!

    I had been doing many things to get it back and one was to programme a recording which started in 15 mins as that would need to use the file system. Repeated power OFF/ON wasn't fixing it but suddenly it was working and I think it was recording the program which probably kicked the file system into life.

    While it was not working I could not pause TV suggesting the box could not access the disk.

    | Fri 19 May 2023 21:05:48 #15 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    JohnH77 - 11 hours ago  » 
    While it was not working I could not pause TV suggesting the box could not access the disk.

    Thanks for explaining; I agree there must be an issue with accessing the hard drive. There has been recent discussion concerning several different Humax models having problems accessing the hard drive and one suggestion is that contamination on the SATA connectors is to blame. Next time this happens you might want to open the box and have a careful look at both ends of the SATA cable.

    | Sat 20 May 2023 8:50:59 #16 |
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    Hi I have the 3000t pvr
    I have had to change my EP guide to basic due to the IE EPG no longer working. Wish I had read earlier it no longer exists as I paid $120 for someone to try and fix to no avail.

    Anyway I now use the basic and I’m finding that my tv series I record doesn’t record all the episodes. An example I last night there was a 4 part series back to back but only 2 episodes recorded. I have it set in to record 10 minutes prior and 20 minutes after ( padding) show ends so I get all the show in. This also happened on another series I recorded.

    Any help would be appreciated. I am based in Australia.

    | Sun 21 May 2023 20:59:44 #17 |
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    What fixed it was deleting some recordings to free us space on the disk.

    My diagnosis was wrong because I now keep getting No Recordings when I bring the Humax out of standby - creating more space on the disk did not fix it.

    I will take the disk out and look at the connections.

    To be continued ...

    | Mon 22 May 2023 18:57:57 #18 |
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    ... and the continuation says ...

    I took out the SATA disk and checked the contacts - all seemed fine. I plugged and unplugged it several times just to be sure the contacts was clean. When I powered on the box I still got No recordings.

    I then set it back to the Factory settings and the recordings were there.

    As an aside - attempting to record a programme from the EPG when I had the NO recordings error did not bring back the recordings. The programme was not recorded.

    Also, at one point I had the yellow pie-chart showing how much disk was in use but it was still saying No recordings, which was somewhat contradictory. How did it know how much disk was used unless it could see the recordings?

    | Tue 23 May 2023 9:30:31 #19 |
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    An update. I deleted loads of recordings and the problem has completely disappeared.

    | Fri 25 Aug 2023 23:25:38 #20 |

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