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Red Button Text not working

(5 posts)
  1. Geoff_W


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    Posts: 179


    Had my Aura for a couple of days now and am generally very pleased with it. However, last night my wife tried to use Red Button Text (via the red button) and was surprised that she was taken to the iPlayer. Thinking there must be something wrong, I tried the TEXT button but this did nothing at all.

    She is very disappointed as she uses this service a lot, so is it possible to get Red Button Text on the Aura?

    One other little niggle - when using the UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT buttons on the remote, it's too easy to simultaneously press SEARCH/GUIDE/HOME/BACK which takes you away from what you were trying to do (or maybe I've just got fat fingers).

    And who thought it was a great idea to put the MUTE button right next to the ON/OFF button? Doh!

    | Thu 11 Nov 2021 13:06:32 #1 |
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    The Aura doesn't support Teletext as far as I am aware.

    | Thu 11 Nov 2021 13:36:26 #2 |
  3. Geoff_W


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    Bummer, why on earth not?

    | Thu 11 Nov 2021 13:39:23 #3 |
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    Geoff_W - 24 mins ago  » 
    is it possible to get Red Button Text on the Aura?

    Unfortunately not.

    The freeview play specification no longer requires that devices described as freeview play have ability to handle MHEG.
    Also the BBC did announce that the red button text service would cease. They have since changed that to an announcement that the service would continue but be scaled down. The initial announcement may have hastened its withdrawal from some TV products - it is not just the Aura which is not MHEG capable, some UK TVs are also lacking this feature.

    There are some previous discussion on the subject already, including this site.

    | Thu 11 Nov 2021 13:40:38 #4 |
  5. Geoff_W


    special member
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    Posts: 179


    Thanks @SSThing and @Luke for your information. It looks like the service is nearly defunct anyway, but in the short term at least we have a couple of TV's in the house that can still get it.

    | Thu 11 Nov 2021 16:46:20 #5 |

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