My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Remote control suggestions

(4 posts)
  1. BoilingPoint


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    Posts: 1


    My 1100s has become quite unresponsive of late even though the light on the remote comes on several presses of the buttons are required.

    So any suggestions for an alternative remote control. Nothing too expensive... Thanks

    | Fri 23 Aug 2019 5:40:51 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Hi welcome to our forum.


    | Fri 23 Aug 2019 9:41:27 #2 |
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    If you're confident at opening and cleaning the remote, best bet is to get a used one from Ebay and give it the cleaning routine alongside yours. Then you'll have a spare one to use if the other starts to fail again. It's also worth checking the lens on the 1100's casing; if that's dirty the fault could be there although the remote is far more likely to be the culprit.

    | Fri 23 Aug 2019 16:50:59 #3 |
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    special member
    Joined: Dec '15
    Posts: 510


    See Disassemble remote control to fix intermittent keys.

    Take it to pieces and clean out all the accumulated greasy gunge. If necessary, add sticky-backed aluminium foil or conductive paint to the rubber keys.

    It works a treat.

    | Sun 25 Aug 2019 9:49:55 #4 |

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