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remote pairing Toshiba

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    Hi, we've been trying to pair our new Aura FVP-4KGTR/GB/2TB remote with Toshiba 43UA3D63DB(both from Argos) for a couple of weeks now with intermittent support from Humax. Have tried all the on screen codes several times, powered off/on, batteries out of remote and such. No joy so far, anyone know a code that works? Thanks

    | Tue 9 Apr 2024 22:05:27 #1 |
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    First of all have you enabled CEC on your TV?

    Check your TVs instructions on how to switch this on. Page 25 link below.

    Make sure HDMI-CEC on the Aura is switched on.

    Freeview Button> Settings> Freeview Play Preferences> HDMI-CEC> HDMI-CEC On.

    If you are certain you are following the TV Pairing instructions to the letter, where is it failing?

    After pressing the Freeview Button on the remote, click on Settings at the top of the screen (gear wheel).

    Scroll down to Freeview Play Preferences> TV Pairing.

    You should see a screen with instructions and a picture of the remote control.

    Press the green button on the remote control, on the Search TV Code screen a keyboard will pop up, if you press the return key on the remote the keyboard will disappear, revealing a list of the most popular TV brands, Toshiba should
    be in the list.
    Press the down arrow on the remote (under the OK button) to select Toshiba, Press OK.

    The TV Pairing screen will re open and Toshiba will be selected next to TV Brand.
    Under that will be the list of possible three digit codes you can try.

    729 520 284 268 232 208 202 124 092 074 063 043 016

    Hold the TV Standby button as shown on screen (the small power button) and the OK button together for three seconds. The red LED on the remote will turn on.
    Enter the first three digit code 729 the LED will blink with each number pressed and
    blink twice with the third digit entered.
    If the code is accepted the TV will turn off, press the OK button.
    The red LED should blink three times when successful.
    If not press the small power button and the OK button together again for three seconds and enter the next three digit code repeat this until one is accepted.

    As the Aura is coming up for four years old and Humax have not done any real updates since August 2021 then it is entirely possible if your TV is a brand new model that it operates from a three digit code that the Auras software
    database is not aware of, if you think that may be the case then contact Toshiba to see if there is an alternative code
    for your TV.

    | Wed 10 Apr 2024 9:23:06 #2 |
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    Thanks for all the help, much appreciated. I've checked everything you've mentioned and it all seems to be ok. The only difference I can see in the pairing instructions is that after entering the third digit, the red light blinks once, never twice. Not sure if there's any significance in that though.

    | Wed 10 Apr 2024 10:17:27 #3 |
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    Okay so having gone through the pairing routine with my Sony TV, (thankfully only 2 codes to try and the first one always pairs)

    After I enter the last digit the red LED on the remote comes on and stays on.
    Then I press OK and the TV goes off and the LED blinks three times.
    Release the OK button after the LED has stopped blinking.
    The TV should now be paired.
    Press the small power button on the Aura remote control and if successful the TV should start up.

    At which stage do notice things aren't going according to the instructions.

    | Wed 10 Apr 2024 10:49:11 #4 |
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    Just tried replicating your method with all the displayed codes, the tv never switches off. Beginning to think the tv just isn't in the database as you mentioned earlier. We can get by, not that big a deal. I'll keep having a go now and then!

    | Wed 10 Apr 2024 11:09:31 #5 |
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    Have you contacted Toshiba support to see if there are perhaps newer codes that can be utilised with the Humax Aura.
    An online search for Toshiba 3 digit TV pairing codes throws up many different ones than the Aura displays
    although it has to be said these are for universal remotes and may not be useable.

    Have Humax said anything?

    How far away are you from the TV and Aura whilst doing this, if you are very far away try sitting nearer.

    Have you paired the Aura and the remote for Bluetooth, if not try that.

    You could try resetting the remote control.

    Freeview Button> Settings> Freeview Play Preferences> Remote Control Reset.

    After doing this you will need to set up the Bluetooth connection again, if you had re assigned the Aura to a new Box code to stop the Aura remote from operating other Humax devices you will need to remember the code you set and do the code re assigning again before attempting the TV Pairing again.
    See Box Assigning, page 8 of the Aura manual.

    Freeview Button> Settings> Freeview Play Preferences> Box Assigning.

    | Wed 10 Apr 2024 12:02:41 #6 |
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    Not asked Toshiba as yet but was thinking that. Humax sent over loads of codes, tried fifty or so!
    Distance is fine, was sat right in front of it.
    Tried bluetooth and IR set up, reset remote, reassigning. To be fair Humax have suggested a lot of these, just no joy.
    Really appreciate your help, next stop Toshiba.

    | Wed 10 Apr 2024 12:10:37 #7 |
  8. brian


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    As your TV is likely to be manufactured by Vestel, in Turkey, you could try their remote codes, and also codes for other TV's manufactured by Vestel, such as Bush, JVC, Panasonic, etc,.

    | Wed 10 Apr 2024 12:11:08 #8 |
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    Good shout, thanks, will try that as well!

    | Wed 10 Apr 2024 12:11:59 #9 |

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