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Retune deletes scheduled recordings....

(36 posts)
  1. Stephenesque


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    Faust - 4 days ago  » 
    Most Humax products appear to behave in this unfortunate way. When any updates show up on my 2000T I now take a picture using my Tablet of the recording schedule. It certainly makes life much easier when re-programming it later.

    As that has always been what's happened with my 9200Ts I hadn't expected the 4000T to be any different really, and like you I take iPad photos of my schedule screens before updating. I did the same yesterday to transfer my 9200T recording schedule to the 4000T.

    That took a little of the sting out of the much more complicated recording procedure on the new PVR. I'm sure It'll soon be second nature, but it does seem a bit long winded.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2015 15:46:09 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Stephenesque - 1 hour ago  » 
    As that has always been what's happened with my 9200Ts

    If you go back far enough there was a time with the 9200T when the recording schedule was left intact. Whether or not recordings took place was of course a bit of a lottery depending on what had changed.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2015 17:27:50 #12 |
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    If Panasonic can do this without losing the recording then surely Humax should be able to do the same.

    I can confirm that this option works flawlessly on Panasonic TV's and PVR's and has done for years.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2015 23:10:40 #13 |
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    Faust - 9 hours ago  » 
    If Panasonic can do this without losing the recording then surely Humax should be able to do the same.

    On at least new freeview models from spring 2016 Humax will have to if they want to use the Freeview Play branding.

    Here is the link to the announcement which I mentioned in post #2.

    | Thu 24 Dec 2015 9:15:23 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Faust - 11 hours ago  » 
    If Panasonic can do this without losing the recording then surely Humax should be able to do the same.

    One of the first features implemented in the custom firmware for the HDR-FOX T2 was the capability to save the recording schedule and optionally automatically restore it. The code will also attempt to correct the schedule if the retune has moved channels around. In my experience it works very well and it remains a mystery to me why Humax haven't implemented something similar,

    | Thu 24 Dec 2015 10:39:36 #15 |
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    In many ways they make a sound product and yet their software implementation can be pretty poor and basic.

    They appear to have gone backwards let alone stood still in this regard.

    None of the manufactures are perfect however. I can get really annoyed with the Panasonic which won't let you watch catch-up if a recording is about to start - just tips you out.

    | Thu 24 Dec 2015 11:21:43 #16 |
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    I can only speak from experience of the Humax Freesat boxes, I have a HDR and three HBs. The one characteristic of those boxes, and from reading these forums it appears all Humax boxes, is that they are very good products within the narrow confines of what they need to do. One example being the excellent HD picture output. However, they are so downright ordinary, offering nothing innovative or leading-edge that would cause you to buy them other than there is no effective competition. It's a kind of institutionalised laziness on their part.

    | Thu 24 Dec 2015 11:25:24 #17 |
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    Pollensa1946 - 18 minutes ago  » 
    I can only speak from experience of the Humax Freesat boxes, I have a HDR and three HBs. The one characteristic of those boxes, and from reading these forums it appears all Humax boxes, is that they are very good products within the narrow confines of what they need to do. One example being the excellent HD picture output. However, they are so downright ordinary, offering nothing innovative or leading-edge that would cause you to buy them other than there is no effective competition. It's a kind of institutionalised laziness on their part.

    Very true - like all businesses they need good competition in order to make them innovate. I think many manufactures now see no real profit in such products so have pulled out. The latest generation of Humax PVRs have I think been designed by their accountants rather than the design department.

    | Thu 24 Dec 2015 11:46:11 #18 |
  9. Biggles


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    Faust - 4 days ago  » 
    Most Humax products appear to behave in this unfortunate way. When any updates show up on my 2000T I now take a picture using my Tablet of the recording schedule. It certainly makes life much easier when re-programming it later.
    However, it doesn't have to be this way. All our Panasonic kit gives you the option of just updating the changes rather than the whole thing over again. This method means the schedule remains in place with the EPG simply updated with any changes - real 21st century stuff eh? Memo to Humax.

    While the 'Update Channel List' feature on the Panasonics does do as you say, unfortunately it checks all receivable multiplexes, not just the ones you may have manually tuned. You then have the option of sorting by region or signal strength but it's not clear what happens to the rejected channels/multiplexes, they don't appear in the 800s. I have yet to see if AR/SL is affected by this initial multiple transmitter reception.

    | Thu 24 Dec 2015 12:55:08 #19 |
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    Biggles - 48 minutes ago  » 

    Faust - 4 days ago  » 
    Most Humax products appear to behave in this unfortunate way. When any updates show up on my 2000T I now take a picture using my Tablet of the recording schedule. It certainly makes life much easier when re-programming it later.
    However, it doesn't have to be this way. All our Panasonic kit gives you the option of just updating the changes rather than the whole thing over again. This method means the schedule remains in place with the EPG simply updated with any changes - real 21st century stuff eh? Memo to Humax.

    While the 'Update Channel List' feature on the Panasonics does do as you say, unfortunately it checks all receivable multiplexes, not just the ones you may have manually tuned. You then have the option of sorting by region or signal strength but it's not clear what happens to the rejected channels/multiplexes, they don't appear in the 800s. I have yet to see if AR/SL is affected by this initial multiple transmitter reception.

    Well have I been using this system with the Pannies for at least the last decade and not had one hint of a problem to date. I simply select the all GB best signal quality option. I always let the machine auto tune in any event and again this all works and selects the region in which I live.

    BTW I live in an area where I could if I so wished pick up no less than 3 different regions quite comfortably. In fact I switched off the new channel update message because when the regions were going digital I would get messages almost every day from the different regions.

    | Thu 24 Dec 2015 13:47:32 #20 |

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