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'Starting' keeps recycling - won't boot up

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    I've had the same recycling problem on two boxes. I've tried 2 different HDMI leads connected directly to TV and can only get the box to boot if the HDMI lead is removed from HDR-1000S.

    I have another support call open with Humax, although I suspect it is either a general fault or caused by my TV config as two separate boxes show exactly the same behaviour

    | Mon 7 Jan 2013 11:04:10 #11 |
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    Without wishing to replicate on two threads, I have exactly the same problem with exactly the same tv (Loewe concept 32).
    I can't tell much difference between scart and HDMI so I will live with my 1000s connected by scart and my toshiba dvd,hdd,video combo connected via HDMI.

    I might add that I think that the quality of picture on this tv is pretty good whether on scart or HDMI. I have often wondered what the fuss is about with HDMI and HD. The features on both the 1000s and the tosh make life so much easier to record.

    | Mon 21 Jan 2013 19:06:37 #12 |
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    Mine has just started doing this. Reboots, TV comes on for a few seconds, hangs, then reboots itself. It's been okay since I bought this thing in November. Anyone got any ideas? Apart from ringing John Lewis for a new one?

    Just been on the phone to JL, they said to switch it off for more than 15 mins which should reset it... Methinks that won't work! So I've got to ring Humax on Monday and find out what's going on. Then if necessary tie it back into a store, and it will be sent away for repair!! So that's the next month without TV then?

    So has anyone got any idea what I can do to get this thing working again?


    | Sat 26 Jan 2013 15:51:11 #13 |
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    Just a few things in case someone can help:

    Box was working since October when I bought it;
    I haven't changed any settings;
    It's connected to my SD TV via scart;
    I've tried powering it off for a while, plugging it back in, no joy;
    I've removed my wifi dongle and both satellite cables, powered on, no joy.
    I can't do factory reset as the box is just endlessly rebooting, not responding to button presses andso I can't get into the settings to reset it.

    Just keeps starting up, displays the Humax / Freetime logo, then bang, back into an endless reboot loop.

    If anyone has any ideas, secret button presses that might trigger a reset, etc, please help! Else no TV over the weekend! Aargh!

    | Sat 26 Jan 2013 17:05:39 #14 |
  5. Barry


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    This might not work but you could try uploading the default file listed at bottom of linked page

    Upload as you would for application software.

    | Sat 26 Jan 2013 21:38:16 #15 |
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    Hi, thanks for this, but i don't think I can apply a firmware update as the box isn't up for long enough to get into settings etc. I haven't done a firmware update before - the only way I can see this working is if you can plug in a USB drive with the update on ad reboot - is this how it works?

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 1:59:10 #16 |


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    Firmware updates are under control of the loader (i.e. before it boots up).
    Does it boot if you disconnect the HDMI lead?

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 8:54:39 #17 |
  8. Barry


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    Certainly worth a try uploading the default file, and/or the latest software.

    Instructions for applying the latest software update are included with the zip file, and are the same for the default file linked to earlier.

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 10:26:28 #18 |
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    I'll have a look at that, but will it invalidate the warranty or anything if I update the software and it all goes horribly wrong? Mind you, it couldn't be much more broken than it is.

    Repassac - no hdmi, TV is connected via scart, but I'll try disconnecting this also.

    Thanks all

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 10:46:50 #19 |
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    I am also having the same problems, box bought end October had worked fine until yesterday. The box is stuck recycling start up it remains the same even with all connections save power disconnected. I'm concerned re the warranty but where do I find the instructions regarding this beta update? seems to be a .hdf file what software opens that?


    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 10:57:32 #20 |

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