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'Starting' keeps recycling - won't boot up

(60 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    scratchstock - 59 seconds ago  » 
    I am also having the same problems, box bought end October had worked fine until yesterday. The box is stuck recycling start up it remains the same even with all connections save power disconnected. I'm concerned re the warranty but where do I find the instructions regarding this beta update? seems to be a .hdf file what software opens that?

    The instructions are on the download page. .hdf files are recognised on a usb stick by the loader immediately after starting the box on all recent Humax pvrs, the prpcedure is slightly different on different boxes, on the HDR-1000s with the file on a usb stick in the front port of the box, you press the power button and then hold the channel down button till the upgrade starts.

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 11:02:36 #21 |
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    Instructions found, and software installed but the sad news is the update has not resolved the problem.

    I will await a reply from Humax.

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 11:22:28 #22 |
  3. Barry


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    Have you tried the default file I linked to earlier in the thread?

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 11:24:08 #23 |
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    Graham many thanks I had not seen the device listed on the left hand column of the web page the first time I looked I guess I just missed it. As above although the download proceeded smoothly unfortunately the same fault pesists.
    I emailed Humax yesterday describing the problem so I will just have to wait. I will post the outcome.

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 11:30:14 #24 |
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    As Scratchstock has tried it with no success I won't try the firmware update. I tried powering on with the scart unplugged (so all cables out except power of course) and no joy.

    Interesting that someone else had the same problem on the same day! Scratchstock, comisserations, I'm really fed up with no tv, and the prospect that all my recordings are now probably gone as I imagine this can only be fixed with a replacement unit.

    I'm going to ring Humax first thing tomorrow - not sure whether to email or not as I've heard they're not that quick in replying to emails and I need this sorting quickly. My only worry is that they won't exchange the unit for a new one, but send it off for "repair", which will leave me without tv for who knows how long...! The fact that someone else has this same problem suggests this may well be a known issue. Disk failure, maybe? For the record I found that last OTA update (just before xmas) they sent out added lots of bugs (glitches with pause, rewind), hope that isn't the root cause of my current problem as it doesn't exactly fill me with confidence that a new unit will completely fix the issue if it can happen again at any time (or the dreaded "reformat hard drive" bug I've seen quite a few people report in other threads).

    Ah well, I'll let you know what happens.

    Thanks everyone for help so far.

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 12:01:20 #25 |
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    Spoke to humax earlier, very helpful and quick, they're exchanging for a new one which should come tomorrow. Obviously my recordings are gone, my favourites, series links... but at least getting a replacement unit has been fairly painless so far.

    | Mon 28 Jan 2013 12:12:05 #26 |
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    ( logged for the benefit of anyone else who may have this issue)

    I have had the 1000s since just before Christmas and it has been working OK up till yesterday (Sunday 27th) apart from a few niggles to do with network access.

    Yesterday it spontaneously rebooted several times while trying to watch Andy Murray and record Andrew Marr. The recording had stopped after the first reboot despite the led saying it was recording when it came up again.

    Disconnected the power from the unit for about an hour before reconnection and so far the problem has not re occurred.


    HDR 1000S with HDMI connection and Homeplug LAN Connection.

    | Mon 28 Jan 2013 14:14:29 #27 |
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    Just to update I failed to get any response to my email to humax but when I phoned the response was very good. As was suspected the only solution was to get a new box so I've lost my recordings- nothing vital.I had to contact them again by phone as there was no response after I emailed the warranty form plus receipt(maybe my fault) the service from then was excellent. The new box arrived on Friday, oddly it fails to show a signal on Tuner 2 but says at the bottom Freesat box conncted with cable 2 and will record 2 channels simultaneously. I guess this is another software glitch.

    | Sun 10 Feb 2013 22:05:07 #28 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    scratchstock - 11 hours ago  » 
    Just to update I failed to get any response to my email to humax but when I phoned the response was very good. As was suspected the only solution was to get a new box so I've lost my recordings- nothing vital.I had to contact them again by phone as there was no response after I emailed the warranty form plus receipt(maybe my fault) the service from then was excellent. The new box arrived on Friday, oddly it fails to show a signal on Tuner 2 but says at the bottom Freesat box conncted with cable 2 and will record 2 channels simultaneously. I guess this is another software glitch.

    Not a glitch, the box powers down unused tuners, presumably to save power. If you start a recording and then change to a different channel and then look at diagnostics you should see the neasurements from both tuners and will give you the figures for the two transponders being used.

    | Mon 11 Feb 2013 9:54:26 #29 |
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    Hi folks. Sorry to bump an old thread but our HDR-1000S has developed this fault, i.e. when powered on at the mains it displays STARTING on its built in display, displays Humax and freesat on the TV before restarting and doing that over and over again.

    I tried powering it off at the mains (removing power to the mains adapter) and leaving it for hours before trying again, but the same result.

    The next thing I tried was a hunch after reading about HDMI problems in the past. I removed the HDMI cable and Ethernet cable and tried again. To begin with it seemed to do two or three restart cycles but then I heard the hard drive come to life, so I left it for a while and went to do some other jobs. When I came back I was pleased to see it was showing a channel name (UTV) on its own display. Not wanting to plug the HDMI back in with the box powered on, I pressed the standby/power button. Once in standby (red standby light on and built in display clear) I plugged in the HDMI and pressed the power button again but it just repeated the restarting problem continually again! Since then I have tried this again multiple times (no HDMI cable plugged in) but it has never got to the point of displaying a channel name on its display or anything other than continually restarting.

    I have tried leaving it powered off for hours again but when powered on it just does the same thing again.

    I have tried installing the beta firmware version mentioned on the second page of this thread. I did this with the HDMI cable plugged in so that I could see what was going on. The firmware seemed to install fine - both progress bars got to 100% and I got the message on screen saying to press the standby button to restart the box. I did that but it still restarts continuously.

    After that I have tried leaving powered off at the mains for another 15 minutes and powering on again but it's just doing the same thing again.

    There we no obvious indications of anything going wrong before this happened a few days ago. Nothing other than the occasional freeze up every couple of months or so, which I just put down to being 'one of those things' with these boxes.

    Does anyone know what is actually happening when it displays this behaviour? Is it failing to see the hard drive? Is it some problem in NVRAM? (Remember, the firmware installation seemed to work though.)

    Is there anything else I can try? I'm a Linux Systems Engineer so I'm happy with connecting the hard drive to another computer, installing a new hard drive, etc, but I don't know whether it's worth the effort. Has anyone managed to fix this fault without having the box replaced? I bought this one as a Grade A unit from Humax Direct in December 2013 so I'm now outside the one year warranty that came on the Grade A units.

    | Sat 28 Feb 2015 22:49:42 #30 |

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