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Still Can't Connect on the network :(

(15 posts)
  1. MarkPainter


    Joined: Apr '22
    Posts: 28


    Hi All. Harping back to a post I made many months ago about not being able to see my Aura on either my Windows (10) wired network or via FTP using Filezilla.
    At the time I concluded that it was down to the Sky router I was using.
    However, I have now ditched Sky and am on a FTTP connection with a brand new router.
    The first time I turned it on after the network was in place all worked 100% without any issues.
    However since that time time hasn't worked once. I can download files using the Aura app to my phone without any issues. I can connect via a browser to http://192.168.1.x:8080/page/index.html without any issues, but I just can't FTP into the box.
    I have tried with - and without - anonymous access.
    I have tried with a laptop on wifi on the network and it cant FTP either.
    So what gives? It's VERY frustrating to have a feature that I can't use.

    I now hate "Status:Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".

    Incidentally, Windows shows the Aura on the network under 'Other Device'
    Also I have tried with Windows Firewall turned off for all networks - no change.

    | Tue 6 Dec 2022 12:36:54 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MarkPainter - 1 hour ago  » 
    So what gives? It's VERY frustrating to have a feature that I can't use.
    I now hate "Status:Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".

    Could you tell us which FTP client you are using and what settings you are using in the client please?

    | Tue 6 Dec 2022 14:18:46 #2 |
  3. MarkPainter


    Joined: Apr '22
    Posts: 28


    I am using Filezilla (And I have also tried browsers FTPing with Chrome)

    Connection is to (Aura's FTP)
    Port: 2323
    Password 0000
    User aura
    I have also tried after allowing anonymous connection and rebooting the Aura. .
    The Aura doesn't show up us as a DLNA server on my network either.

    | Tue 6 Dec 2022 14:37:29 #3 |
  4. davidrew


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    I used to use Filezilla but found it a bit unreliable generally, so I use WinSCP now. With those settings, apart from the IP, it works fine. I had two Aura units running at one point when doing some testing for Humax and I could access both to download and send them files.

    Is your Filezilla on the same subnet (assuming a mask) as the Aura?

    I'm sure you have but just to check that File Share is enabled in Record & Share. That your PIN is still set to the default 0000, if that's changed so does the password.

    | Tue 6 Dec 2022 15:42:00 #4 |
  5. MarkPainter


    Joined: Apr '22
    Posts: 28


    Thanks for your your suggestions, will have a try with WinSCP when I get home.
    Yes, sharing is enabled and the password hasn't been changed - I even did a system reset and started again, but there was no change.
    The thing is, that there is nothing fancy about my network at all.
    It's just your normal plug everything into the router and it should work sort of thing.
    I was hoping to be able to watch Aura recordings on the TV upstairs using the Aura DNLA server, but since that doesn't show up on the network either, I can't even do that.

    | Tue 6 Dec 2022 15:55:21 #5 |
  6. Mars


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    Posts: 377


    I assume that you have tried rebooting the router? I recently got a Bluesound Node that only became available for Tidal Connect after rebooting the router.

    | Tue 6 Dec 2022 16:18:51 #6 |
  7. MarkPainter


    Joined: Apr '22
    Posts: 28


    Yes, tried all the obvious things like rebooting the router, then the Aura.
    No change.
    Then the aura followed by the router.
    No change.

    | Tue 6 Dec 2022 16:25:45 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MarkPainter - 1 hour ago  » 
    I am using Filezilla (And I have also tried browsers FTPing with Chrome)
    Connection is to (Aura's FTP)
    Port: 2323
    Password 0000
    User aura

    Can I just check the other settings which you haven't specified; is Logon type "normal" and encryption type "plain". Are there any WiFi boosters or Homeplug type devices on your network? Previous cases like this have usually been down to some oddity on the network.

    | Tue 6 Dec 2022 16:39:20 #8 |
  9. MarkPainter


    Joined: Apr '22
    Posts: 28


    Well. Now home.
    I did have a powerline plug that was connected to the router, removed it and reset the router, and then reset the Aura.
    Downloaded and tried to connect with WINscp "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. Connection failed."
    Tried again after rebooting the Aura with anonymous access enabled.
    Same result.

    | Tue 6 Dec 2022 17:37:08 #9 |
  10. Mars


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    Posts: 377


    You say that DLNA does not work, which is odd if Network Server (DLNA/UPnP) is switched on. Have you checked that DLNA is not working on more than one device? On Windows computers you can check by seeing if the Aura appears in Windows Media Player or VLC on computers/phones/tablets.

    | Tue 6 Dec 2022 18:56:03 #10 |

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