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Sudden crash and reboot during recording playback.

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    Hi all, I had this problem last night while watching Sundays recording of The Serpent, approx. 48 minutes into the playback the tv screen went blank and the blue light on the front of the Aura went off. After about 30 to 45 seconds the Aura blue light came on at full brightness then a reboot took place with the Humax logo and then Android logo showing. The tv came back on defaulting to a live tv channel, going back into the Serpent recording it had gone back to the start but I was able to return to the point where the box had crashed. I spoke to Sean at Humax and he said he and his colleagues had not heard of this problem since the release of the Aura and to monitor it and report back if it happens again which I will do. It would be interesting to know if anyone else had had a similar experience.

    | Tue 12 Jan 2021 14:35:19 #1 |
  2. davidrew


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    Had the Aura over two months now and have not had issue as you describe.

    We watch between two and five recordings a day and also use the VLC player and it has been fine.

    The only issue we have noticed is an odd pixilation picture break-up on some recordings even when the signal fault icon is not shown against the recording.

    | Tue 12 Jan 2021 15:31:38 #2 |
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    Hi davidrew, yeh it's a queer one, I will just have to keep an eye on it. Other than that I'm quite happy with it.

    | Tue 12 Jan 2021 15:37:12 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    DaveE - 1 hour ago  » 
    It would be interesting to know if anyone else had had a similar experience.

    To me that sounds as though the Humax software has crashed and caused a reboot. It has happened very occasionally (once or twice a year) on every PVR I have owned. If it reoccurs in the next few weeks then something is wrong; but if it is 6 months before you see a similar issue then write it off as one of those things that shouldn't happen but does.

    | Tue 12 Jan 2021 16:15:50 #4 |
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    To be fair it did happen to me a few times with a HDR1000 while watching recordings, like you say all I can do is keep an eye on it.

    | Tue 12 Jan 2021 16:29:02 #5 |
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    This is a software fault which could be corrected.
    My experience is playing back a recording which was recorded on a weak channel there is a blipp and the aura has lost its file locations and goes back to the beginning.

    PS dont tell me my weak channel is my Arial. because the Tv plays the channel perfectly
    and my computer with tuner fitted on the same Arial line is perfect.
    So the aura tuner is weak.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2021 14:43:51 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    gerrym - 21 mins ago  » 
    PS dont tell me my weak channel is my Arial. because the Tv plays the channel perfectly
    and my computer with tuner fitted on the same Arial line is perfect.
    So the aura tuner is weak.

    Perhaps you could tell us the signal strength and quality on the channel in question? There are several other possible causes other than a weak signal.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2021 15:07:15 #7 |
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    When it happened on my Aura I was watching The Serpent which was recorded from BBC1 so that is a strong signal. The reading I get from the Pontop Pike TX for BBC1 is signal strengh 93% and quality 100%.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2021 17:30:19 #8 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    I have recorded dozens of programmes over the Xmas period. Apart from the slight glitch already mentioned had no reboots of any description.

    Posts like my TV works means nothing. Tuners vary in sensitivity. The less sensitive ones are hard to overload. The aura however appears to have sensitive tuners. Contrary to what you might think too high a signal level can create a distorted output due to the peaks of the UHF carrier getting clipped. In this case you need to reduce the signal level not increase it.

    Mine shows 92% quality 100% which may well the cause of the occasional glitches. Variable TV attenuators are widely available.

    If your quality is fluctuating it's a sure sign of too high a signal level

    Professional installers should have an expensive spectrum analyser that has a oscilloscope screen that can clearly show that the sinusoidal analogue UHF carrier is missing the peaks. Without an accurate analogue carrier the tuners cannot create a accurate digital stream after the digital modulation is removed leaving just a stream of zeros and ones.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2021 18:07:21 #9 |
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    I don't think signal strength has anything to do with the fault I stated, watching a recorded program and the box suddenly crashes surely has nothing to do with signal strength. Really losing patience with this box.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2021 19:48:44 #10 |

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