My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » Aura UHD

Sudden crash and reboot during recording playback.

(27 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    DaveE - 15 mins ago  » 
    I don't think signal strength has anything to do with the fault I stated, watching a recorded program and the box suddenly crashes surely has nothing to do with signal strength. Really losing patience with this box.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2021 20:04:40 #11 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    grahamlthompson - 1 min ago  » 

    DaveE - 15 mins ago  » 
    I don't think signal strength has anything to do with the fault I stated, watching a recorded program and the box suddenly crashes surely has nothing to do with signal strength. Really losing patience with this box.

    On what knowledge are you basing this post ? Any digital transmission requires synchronising with the frame synch 25/50Hz pulse data. If this lost due to to carrier distortion. It loses synch and of course it can cause a crash because it cannot find the data for the next frame.

    Basically I have suggested a low cost fix. If you aren't prepared to try it out stop wasting our time.

    I repeat this is likely the cause. Your other box has exactly the same source.

    Tuner overload remains the only possible cause unless you have a hard disk issue.

    A PVR works by copying the digital data produced by the tuners as is to a hard disk. Provided the Hard disk is copying every bit to the hard disk. Replay should be identical unless of course the hard disk has bad sectors and is dropping content.

    Does your box allow pausing of live content ? Does it also record the complete content of a programme you were watching when it started by simply pressing the instant recording button ?

    Try a web search on carrier clipping in transistor amplifiers.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2021 20:15:33 #12 |
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    The other box was a Freesat box not Freeview, I'm not wasting anyone's time that's what forums are for, by the way your not related to Nigel Goodwin are you as he has the same attitude when answering posters.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2021 20:22:03 #13 |
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    The other box was a Freesat box not Freeview, I'm not wasting anyone's time that's what forums are for, by the way your not related to Nigel Goodwin are you as he has the same attitude when answering posters.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2021 20:22:38 #14 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    DaveE - 4 mins ago  » 
    The other box was a Freesat box not Freeview, I'm not wasting anyone's time that's what forums are for, by the way your not related to Nigel Goodwin are you as he has the same attitude when answering posters.

    Whether Freesat or Freeview makes no difference.

    I have to ask what possible conclusion you are deriving from a freesat box using a dish receiving from a group of satellites more than 22000 mls away and a terrestrial transmitter a few miles away ?

    All true pvrs work the same way.

    Did you know you can get the Aura to record all 5 HD channels from the main PSB3-HD mux.

    Not a feat your freesat box can emulate.

    This happens to be a really good way of testing your box is working as it should.

    If you are prepared to listen despite your posting I will post how to test this out.

    Otherwise not going to waste my time anymore.

    Try setting a Watch recording on any channel.

    After the box switches the output to the channel you selected.

    Press the instant record button. Do you get a recording you can view in the recording list and view from the beginning which continues to the end of the programme?

    If not your box has a hardware fault. Possibly corrupted sectors on the hard disk used to store the recordings.

    The same should also work on a G2 Freesat box but not a Foxsat-HDR

    | Wed 13 Jan 2021 20:32:01 #15 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    I reduced the signal level from 92% to 89% on PSB3 . Not seen any short pixelation issues on live TV or recordings since I did it just after first boot today.

    I only record from PSB3 as it makes the best use of the units 3 tuners.

    | Thu 14 Jan 2021 12:49:03 #16 |
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    The aura is not a satellite box, why is this thread discussing it.
    The tuner on board hardware will not be modified by Humax lets face it.
    What they can do is write software that can ignore loosing digital packets and idle till it can sync back in, not go into hole and kill the firmware or loose its file pointers, if its playing recorded media.
    Attenuation may work to smooth out instant lows and highs in the signal which confuses the hardware, my mast is about 18 miles away in a straight line, the main channels are 100% and above 90 quality. channels like Sony movies sometimes cause a problem on the aura , less so on my previous dtr-t2000 and samsung tv and pc usb tuner tuner.
    Humax please update reception software.

    | Thu 14 Jan 2021 12:51:24 #17 |
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    I do not have an Aura, but my earlier Humax PVR's do seem to have quite sensitive tuners and as 'Graham' has said are more prone to signal overload. You mentioned that your reported signal strength was 100% with only 90% quality, this implies to me that your signal is to high. It has been noted here before that signal quality is more important than strength. My transmitter is some 30 miles away and I get 70-80% signal strength, but 100% quality on all Mux's. I really would try a simple attenuator as an experiment.

    | Thu 14 Jan 2021 17:18:38 #18 |
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    Geoff Thompson

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    If you were watching a recording when the box crashed, when you restarted the box and re-watched the recording did it play through without errors and without crashing the box. In which case, it's not due to signal issues at the time of recording or some strange stream error which causes a repeated crash.
    Also to verify that signal issues should not affect the playback of a recording, just unplug your aerial while watching a previously made recording and you should find, as I did that the playback continues quite merrily.
    Even if a recording is happening in the background when you try this, again the playback is unaffected. All you will find is that when you go back to the recording, it obviously contains errors and it is marked as having suffered signal loss.
    What level of errors and how much stream loss is required for the software to mark it as such I don't know.

    | Fri 15 Jan 2021 19:57:14 #19 |
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    If watching a recording of a bad channel it would reach a blip and then jump to the beginning again, trying to replay this it would do the same thing at the same place.
    Problem was the aura didn't receive week channels well.
    However, since the last system update the Sony channels have been perfect over the last two days, many recording made no problem.
    FOR Reference to past replies, I did try an aerial attenuator, made no difference.
    Have kept sony movie on for many hours with np blips. watched about 3 recordings with no breakups etc.
    Pleased at the moment, could be a good reception phase.

    | Mon 25 Jan 2021 15:36:05 #20 |

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