My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » YouView DTR-T


T2000 sudden menu style change.

(114 posts)
  1. FenderBender


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    Can we stop this now? This thread is way off topic and is not helping anyone.

    This forum is intended to help people with questions about Humax products, so lets keep it that way please.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 18:14:07 #71 |
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    FenderBender - 18 minutes ago  » 
    Can we stop this now? This thread is way off topic and is not helping anyone.
    This forum is intended to help people with questions about Humax products, so lets keep it that way please.

    Indeed it is and so wish to apologise for any consternation I may have caused, but would like it noted I did genuinely only want to have a conversation (debate?) about the roll out of NextGen and nothing more. Though I would like to take this opportunity to note I will be referring back to post 38 at some point, as it is ir//relevant to the current roll out at hand.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 18:40:19 #72 |
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    OK then, lets get to it.
    The following comments are in relation to NextGen and NextGen only and users very badly/neutral/very well received reactions to it.

    Post 38 here -

    Relates to YouView 1.0 classic only and not NextGen. If I may give an example of such -

    Boot Timings:

    Eco Mode High:
    Power comsumption in standby: Less than 1 Watt
    Boot up time: 2 mins 1 secs
    Shut down to full standby: 7 mins 2 secs!

    Eco Mode High - with RF Loop thru enabled:
    Power consumption in standby: 4 Watts
    Boot up time: 2 mins 13 secs

    Eco Mode Low:
    Power consumption in standby: 16.2 W
    Boot up time: 26 secs

    That information is way out of date, even for YV 1.0.
    1.0 & 2.0 now offer -
    Energy Saver
    SMART (recommended)
    Always Ready
    And there are other Power & Standby options.

    As such, I would recommend a second FAQ relating to NextGen only.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 20:15:52 #73 |
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    User reaction -

    There are many forums/fora regarding YouView and these are -
    Digital Spy - a general user forum which has surprisingly had mostly positive comments.
    The BT Community Forum - A mixture of comments, from those that like it to those that don't. The general mood is calm.
    The TalkTalk Community Forum - as above.

    And now we come to the Main YouView Community Forum.

    This once calm & reasoned place, a central hub for many users (who choose to dip in & out of it) has now gone absolutely BA-LLISTIC in and with the intensity of users comments, most of whom are new and have registered only with the specific purpose of complaining. Many of which are WAAAY over the top and disproportionate to the 'crime' many think has been committed.
    The Community forum has up to now had calls to go rushing to various organisations some of which include -
    The national newspapers, the BBC, the European Court of Human Rights (no, really), the Citizens Advice Bureau, Ofcom and Trading Standards.

    Now can anyone think of a reasoned explanation as to why The Community forum has suffered such a disproportion [negative] reaction to NextGen, compared to all the others?

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 21:02:16 #74 |
  5. gomezz


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    As an original Youview triallist I was one of the first members of the Youview community forums. But the glacial progress on fixing the original problems with Youview, many of which are still with us today, was capped when the forums were moved from a barely usable forum software package to an even worse package and I stopped contributing. But if you care to check back on my posts there going back several years you will see me complaining about many of the things I am still complaining about today on those other outlets you mention (including this one).

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 21:32:00 #75 |
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    FenderBender - 3 hours ago  » 
    Can we stop this now? This thread is way off topic and is not helping anyone.
    This forum is intended to help people with questions about Humax products, so lets keep it that way please.

    Not wanting to be accused of being picky but these are Humax products we are discussing. All the BT Youview subscriber boxes are made by Humax? I know we are talking about the Youview update but they are still Humax products nonetheless.

    Surely providing this thread doesn't descend into a slanging match the subject matter is relevant?

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 21:57:07 #76 |
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    Visionman - 1 hour ago  » 
    User reaction -
    There are many forums/fora regarding YouView and these are -
    Digital Spy - a general user forum which has surprisingly had mostly positive comments.
    The BT Community Forum - A mixture of comments, from those that like it to those that don't. The general mood is calm.
    The TalkTalk Community Forum - as above.
    And now we come to the Main YouView Community Forum.
    This once calm & reasoned place, a central hub for many users (who choose to dip in & out of it) has now gone absolutely BA-LLISTIC in and with the intensity of users comments, most of whom are new and have registered only with the specific purpose of complaining. Many of which are WAAAY over the top and disproportionate to the 'crime' many think has been committed.
    The Community forum has up to now had calls to go rushing to various organisations some of which include -
    The national newspapers, the BBC, the European Court of Human Rights (no, really), the Citizens Advice Bureau, Ofcom and Trading Standards.
    Now can anyone think of a reasoned explanation as to why The Community forum has suffered such a disproportion [negative] reaction to NextGen, compared to all the others?

    Yes, although not a contributor on that forum I have read some of those OTT posts myself. I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry after reading some of the dire tribes.

    My first thought was the world has gone completely mad. On reflection I think many of those contributors simply need to get a life.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 22:05:45 #77 |
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    gomezz - 52 minutes ago  » 
    As an original Youview triallist I was one of the first members of the Youview community forums. But the glacial progress on fixing the original problems with Youview, many of which are still with us today, was capped when the forums were moved from a barely usable forum software package to an even worse package and I stopped contributing. But if you care to check back on my posts there going back several years you will see me complaining about many of the things I am still complaining about today on those other outlets you mention (including this one).

    Hello gomezz, hope your well. And I agree about NotSat.

    Point of note - if your worried about your G5 downloading NextGen and thereby interrupting/disrupting your MotoGP coverage, don't be. It won't be a problem.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 22:29:32 #78 |
  9. gomezz


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    It was disrupted on Sunday evening due to a BT Accurate Recording failure leading to a loss of 30 minutes which just happened to be the last 2/3 of the main race. Does NextGen fix that?

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 23:01:18 #79 |
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    Sadly no and the only solution that still remains is to record the programme after it. Its a AR issue thats been fed back.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 23:05:37 #80 |

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