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T2000 sudden menu style change.

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    Re YouView NextGen -

    Manual timer capability - NEVER

    Edit existing timer -NEVER

    Extend an instant timer duration - NEVER

    Add auto padding to timers - NEVER

    EPG Favourites - NEVER

    And amongst the ones you didn't mention -

    Ability to re-arrange the EPG - NEVER


    WiFi - NEVER

    But what I do like is what this box DOES do.

    | Mon 27 Mar 2017 21:58:01 #61 |
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    My main reason for registering on this forum was to talk to Barry, because he said in his humble opinion FVP was superior to YV. Without saying why.
    Only Barry doesn't want to talk to me about it, despite that being a most spurious and shaky accusation.
    On the Community forum, I've just posted this -

    Again (posted above) going back to a list of alternatives to YouView NextGen, heres the comment repeated from another forum user describing a recent update and bug fix release to an alternative box. Sound familiar? -

    For me what lets the box down is the UI it really needs a good look at, things like:
    *Select/highlight oldest recording first not newest one.*
    *The whole guide is a bit chunky.
    *A mini TV picture in the guide.
    *Option to show recordings as a list instead of big thumbnails.
    *UI is a tad slow at times.
    *A way to hide/delete apps i dont use/want.
    Just some.

    *The box lists series recordings from the latest recording first, so one has to scroll all the way back through episodes to get to the oldest.
    It also uses thumbnails, not lists.
    Anyone care to have a stab as to which box the above comments are applied?

    Its the Humax version of Freeview Play. The FVP 4000T.
    Press, pause... Press, pause... Press, pause....
    And the 4000T also has a tendency to delete all ones recordings and schedules as well.

    Its garnered the tag "It ain't no YouView"

    I'd like to talk to Barry now, if thats allowable.

    | Mon 27 Mar 2017 23:49:01 #62 |
  3. FenderBender


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    Visionman - 6 hours ago  » 
    My main reason for registering on this forum was to talk to Barry, because he said in his humble opinion FVP was superior to YV. Without saying why.

    If you've come to this forum for a fight then you're in the wrong place. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and as I have already explained to you once, Barry has said why he thinks FVP is superior. The crucial part of your quote above is that it is in his humble opinion.

    Many other people have the same opinion. Get over it.

    I won't tolerate personal attacks on this board so do not take it to that level.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 6:10:36 #63 |
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    "I won't tolerate personal attacks"
    No, neither do I on my board.

    But a fight? Who wants a fight? Indeed, where have I even cast, thrown or implied an insult?
    All I'm asking for is a reasoned discussion.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 10:31:52 #64 |
  5. FenderBender


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    Visionman - 39 minutes ago  » 
    All I'm asking for is a reasoned discussion.

    You've been having one in this thread. I don't understand why you have to single out Barry for his response. We have many knowledgeable members who have experience of one or the other (or both) FVP and YV who can provide a reasoned and sensible discussion.

    Remember, this is a board for Humax owners and not for one or the other of FVP or YV.

    Visionman - 39 minutes ago » But a fight? Who wants a fight? Indeed, where have I even cast, thrown or implied an insult?

    I didn't imply you had.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 11:16:25 #65 |
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    Visionman - 1 hour ago  » 
    All I'm asking for is a reasoned discussion.

    Did you misread or misunderstood post #38?

    Your post #58 only commentated on post #38 after 2 reminders from 2 other forum members. To one of those reminders you replied thanking Graham for the link to the thread when it was in fact part of Barry's answer to you from post #38.

    Unfortunately in #58 you then gave very little away about your thoughts on the 6 "salient points" and why you do not think that they are essential for a PVR, but did say that something was out of date. As illustrated by post #59 I'm not the only one who had thought that you meant that the six salient points raised in post #38 were out of date. Then in post #64 you agreed that at least 5 of the 6 are not out of date by admitting that youview still does not cater for them!

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 12:22:01 #66 |
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    Fenderbender, as posts #37 and its subsequent related posts are off topic could they be moved to the The Lounge under a new topic?

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 12:24:42 #67 |
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    Speaking as one who owns the 1000s the 2000T and the BT Youview subscriber T2100, I don't think any one of them are accomplished at all things you may wish for in a PVR 'wish list'.

    One of the reasons the consumer never gets the PVR they deserve is due to broadcasters trying to protect their own interests. The Netgem PVX platform as used by EE is a very good platform (both Freeview Play and the new Youview UI are based on this platform). The Netgem PVX platform also supports the HbbTV standard.

    However, it didn't take the broadcasters long to kick up a stink when EE announced their 'Recordings To Go feature' as broadcasters were not happy about the idea of people being able record programmes and transfer them to mobile devices for later viewing, although they allow this through their own platforms.

    One of its key innovations was known as Replay, which allowed users to view the last 24 hours of television from their six favourite channels, presenting shows by genre or channel. Users could also stream live and recorded programming from the box to their iOS or Android phone or tablet.

    All this went down like a lead balloon with broadcasters and under threat of legal action EE had to withdraw it. It just goes to show that things aren't always what they might appear at first glance.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 13:45:21 #68 |
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    Even though my 2 Humax YouView NextGen boxes don't come with the bells and whistles that are not essential for a PVR, I'm happy with them and look forward to NextGens future developements.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 15:26:47 #69 |
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    Luke - 5 hours ago  » 

    Visionman - 1 hour ago  » 
    All I'm asking for is a reasoned discussion.

    Did you misread or misunderstood post #38?
    Your post #58 only commentated on post #38 after 2 reminders from 2 other forum members. To one of those reminders you replied thanking Graham for the link to the thread when it was in fact part of Barry's answer to you from post #38.

    Dear sir, You are incorrect in many respects, in regard to #58.
    Indeed I needed no reminding of said contents contained in #38 and will need none in the future, either.
    You are also incorrect in your assumption pertaining to #58 that my thanks to Graham were misappropriated to the wrong user for the link contained and provided in #38, when in fact, they were not. The 'Salient Points' of and in #38 were, as I'm sure you know, contained in a link. Yet I thanked Graham for pointing me towards a thread. As such I feel that my comments were perfectly understood by the recipient they were intended for and so am happy with that.
    Though it should be noted after said comments above I then specifically referred to #38.

    I trust this answers all your queries in regard to #58 to your satisfaction.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 17:54:38 #70 |

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