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TV Portal stopped working

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  1. MontysEvilTwin


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    Barry - 34 minutes ago  » 
    All is not lost.
    Humax, resources permitting, intend to update iplayer and the browser so it supports the later version of portal, however this is not going to happen overnight.
    More when I have it.

    When was this decision made? I was told almost a month ago by Humax Customer Support that this was going to happen. I was also told that the update would be available by the end of September, though as the end of the September approached and I contacted them again for clarification they backtracked on the release date. Hopefully they can get iPlayer version 4 to work better on the HD-FOX than they have managed on the HDR-FOX to date. Though as they don't accept that there is a problem, this is unlikely.

    | Tue 7 Oct 2014 16:30:27 #51 |
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    Ok so iplayer not going to work for a bit but I can't pause live tv or even record , just step forward would great !

    | Tue 7 Oct 2014 19:41:09 #52 |
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    Consumer act ...comes to mind 'not fit for purpose " maybe humax would like read up on that .. At the same time
    The product has not lasted longer they 5 years and has gone over a month to sort this problem
    I think it's only fair for humax to replace these's units of , weather it's hardware or "software " issue , it's still a issue that humax have not addressed
    No one asking for fix over night , just a step forward would be good .....
    I bought my unit when first come out and paid a good price, but wouldn't be doing that again with humax product
    I would like humax to contact me and least explain to what's going on .
    Is this too much to ask ????

    | Tue 7 Oct 2014 20:09:22 #53 |
  4. Barry


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    Gingerplumbs - 48 minutes ago  » 
    Ok so iplayer not going to work for a bit but I can't pause live tv or even record , just step forward would great !

    Do not understand this as long as you have correct software version, 1.01.12 or later and a working ext HDD you should be able to pause and record.

    | Tue 7 Oct 2014 20:33:27 #54 |
  5. MontysEvilTwin


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    @Gingerplumbs. The portal on the HD-FOX is not working, but you should be able to record OK. If you don't have it already, download the latest software from here. You want version 1.02.29. Install as per the instructions. Then you need a USB 2.0 (or 3.0) hard drive. I have found portable Seagate and WD drives up to 500 GB to work fine and these don't need an external power source. You need to get the HD-FOX to format the disk and then assign it as the recording drive. This should enable recording. To get live pause capability you need to turn on the timeshift buffer through the HD-FOX menus.

    | Tue 7 Oct 2014 21:13:05 #55 |
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    Barry - 5 hours ago  » 
    All is not lost.
    Humax, resources permitting, intend to update iplayer and the browser so it supports the later version of portal, however this is not going to happen overnight.
    More when I have it.

    Thanks for the update Barry, great to see Humax still supporting a 5 year old product

    | Tue 7 Oct 2014 21:23:45 #56 |
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    Error code f2.23 ? While starting up ? And turning off

    | Fri 10 Oct 2014 4:48:30 #57 |
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    I have the latest vision of software , but will check time shift as box has been reset a few times

    | Fri 10 Oct 2014 4:51:42 #58 |
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    New to this forum, but having the same issue described earlier in this post. Running 1.02.29, connected to my network/the internet 100% and the TV Portal does not open (An error occurred whilst launching the application I have sent an email to Humax technical support this morning. I do hope they pull their fingers out on this.

    | Mon 20 Oct 2014 7:49:55 #59 |
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    Reply from Humax Technical Support
    "..we are looking at all avenues in order to ensure that the additional TV Portal services that where added after the release of the HD-FOX T2 are resumed however the time scale for updates and changes on this scale can be lengthy"

    | Mon 20 Oct 2014 9:30:45 #60 |

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