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TV Portal stopped working

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    TV portal loads up but BBC iplayer logo appears with message "sorry we do not support your device"
    Any one else had this problem with HD FOX T2?
    As a member of "Which" I have asked them to investigate maybe this will help

    | Sun 26 Oct 2014 23:55:38 #71 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    davidc2511 - 45 minutes ago  » 
    TV portal loads up but BBC iplayer logo appears with message "sorry we do not support your device"
    Any one else had this problem with HD FOX T2?

    Everybody with an HD-FOX T2 who tries to use iPlayer will have the same problem.

    | Mon 27 Oct 2014 0:42:08 #72 |
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    davidc2511 - 1 day ago  » 
    As a member of "Which" I have asked them to investigate maybe this will help

    Hi David,

    could you post the reply from 'which?' please when you get it.

    I'd be really interested to see what they have to say on this matter good or bad. Their answer will be applicable to some of the Sony smart TV users as well as, in my case, the now not so smart Samsung bluray players, loads of other devices and of course the humble HD-FoxT2 all of which can no longer get iplayer since BBC decided to pull the plug on parts of its iplayer service.

    I can't speak for Sony; however there's no mention or sign of any update or fix from Samsung to get iplayer back working again on my bluray player. Humax on the other hand have promised an update for the HD-FoxT2 to get bbc's iplayer back working again. Quite when this will happen is anybodys guess; however it's a sign of some progress unlike other manufacturers who I assume simply won't bother with older products.

    | Tue 28 Oct 2014 3:01:23 #73 |
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    Hi All,
    TV portal now loading after update 27-10-14. No BBC iplayer though.
    Checking out all the rest.


    | Tue 28 Oct 2014 6:16:47 #74 |
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    Nothing new in this but it is a message from HUMAX giving the latest at 10.56am today.

    Dear Mick ,

    Currently due to the changes at BBC regarding the support on various version of iPlayer the HD-FOX T2 does not have a version that is still supported. This is currently under review on our side and we are awaiting confirmation and a schedule as to when we can upgrade iPlayer; this will also update the browser used on the product and support the later version of the TV Portal. Hopefully we will have some more information in the coming weeks with a fixed date as to when an update will be available.

    Best Regards,


    Humax Customer Support

    | Fri 31 Oct 2014 16:47:19 #75 |
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    This is pretty much the same response I had two weeks ago. I then contacted Graham North (UK Commercial Director), who said he'd look into the issue. I'll be chasing this up with him on Monday. His email address

    | Fri 31 Oct 2014 19:31:26 #76 |
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    Shameful Company - would not trust them again.

    Admin Edit: Link and some content removed. You can rubbish them all you want but you are not using this forum to promote your stupid ill conceived idea.

    | Sat 1 Nov 2014 15:00:32 #77 |
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    Rubbishing Humax for trying to find a resolution to the problem?

    Seems a little irrational.

    | Sat 1 Nov 2014 15:17:39 #78 |
  9. Barry


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    gorgiz - 1 hour ago  » 
    Shameful Company - would not trust them again.

    Utter rubbish.

    Do you bother to read other posts.

    1. The portal is now actually working albeit not fully.

    2. It is the BBC who have moved the goal posts re iplayer not Humax.

    I made it quite plain in post # 50 that Humax intend to look at engineering a fix, resources permitting, but it would take time, since confirmed by other members.

    A direct link to my original post

    | Sat 1 Nov 2014 16:10:45 #79 |
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    I recently got a HD Fox T2 which I was setting up to sell with an external Hard drive and found I could not access the Humax portal and searched this and other forums for a fix and the consensus seemed to be to download later software. This I did and none of the versions I found and loaded worked. so I e-mailed Humax support and got a very quick reply from customer support member Joseph M to the effect he did not think it was a software problem and asking me how the box was connected and when I replied to the effect that it was directly connected to the router with an Ethernet cable which worked fine with two other humax HDR fox T2s he replied with another e-mail which I will paste on here in case there are others out there who have a similar problem. This fix worked and the HD FoxT2 connects every time to the Portal after following the instructons below

    [b]Hi Boyd,

    Please find the instructions below to reset your box:

    Please NOTE: System settings such as screen ratio will be reset, if you have a recorder then the Schedule will be deleted but recorded programmes will be saved.

    Press MENU on the remote
    Using the directional buttons move and select Settings
    Select installation
    Enter your Password (Default is “0000”)
    Choose Factory Default with the OK button
    Select ‘YES’
    Enter your Password (Default is “0000”)
    The unit will restart, please allow up to a minute for this to happen
    Please choose your preferred language
    Please adjust any display settings as necessary and then choose NEXT
    Allow the automatic search to finish and Save the results
    Apply any network settings if needed – Only applies to those with Ethernet cable connected, then choose NEXT
    Please check the settings and choose FINISH
    Leave the unit on BBC One HD for one hour so the TV portal can update.

    | Sat 22 Oct 2016 12:56:25 #80 |

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